Whose Boy!?

Mommy and Daddy are well-known for constantly pawning the parentage of Todd off on each other. Whenever the boy acts up or exhibits too much energy, it becomes a pointing contest, each one pointing to the other and exclaiming: "YOUR boy!"

After one such back-and-forth match, I turned to Todd, pointed a finger at him, and said: "YOUR Daddy!"

Todd didn't miss a beat: "YOUR husband! And I'm YOUR son!"

"No, you're Daddy's. You have his DNA!" I shot back.

Todd wasn't about to be out-done, though. His reply?

"I have yours, too!"


Girls don't play with guns... or do they?

Being a typical boy, Todd is enamored of guns and general shooting toy weapons. I swear it must be innate in all boys. Anyway, he was playing with one of his toy guns, and the subject came around to toys Mommy and Daddy had played with as little kids themselves. He wanted to know if I had any toy guns, and I told him: "Girls don't play with guns!"

To which Todd wanted to know: "Well, then, why did you go into the Army!?"

I... had no response to that!

Enormous Catch Up!

Eep, has it really been so long since I last posted! Been slacking! Here's a brief recap on the last several months:

Todd again spent the summer with Oma and Opa, where he started taking piano lessons. His bad habit of standing on his toes had gotten worse, so we took him to the orthopedist, who recommended we put him in casts for a few weeks to help retrain the foot. We opted to do this at the end of summer, so he could enjoy activities like swimming during his vacation.

He lost a third tooth during the summer at Oma and Opa's house... and somewhere along the way, while snooping in their bathroom, came across the tooth that Oma had hidden away after the tooth fairy paid a visit.

In August, just after getting his cast on, he joined us on a trip to Encino for a mini Knight family reunion-- all the Knight cousins were there! Todd got along fabulously with Graham, cousin LeiAn's youngest son, who is about 2 years older than him. The two boys sat on the lawn, having serious discussions about science and astronomy and the like.

Todd returned to school in September as the only second grader amongst a class of combined 2nd/3rd graders. The school population is dwindling :-(

He also got his first cavity filling in the fall, and was a brave little trooper throughout the whole procedure. The needle with the anesthesia did not faze him, as he'd had a positive experience with the pediatrician, getting shots and getting blood drawn. When it comes to needles, he proudly declares: "It doesn't hurt! I'm not afraid!"

And with that... let the Todd-isms begin again! :-)

Birthday Wish List

The whole family went to the theater last night to watch "How To Train Your Dragon", as part of an early birthday celebration for Todd. What a wonderful, charming movie! Todd enjoyed himself immensely, as did Mommy and Daddy :-)

Here's a few ideas for gifts for Todd this year (I also try to keep the box in the sidebar to the right updated, but it seems nobody really reads it anyway):
  • Game of "Clue": He played this with his caretaker at after-school care, and enjoyed it, asking for it for his birthday. I suppose there is the more age-appropriate "Clue Jr", but he played the actual adult version, and seemed to do okay with it, so that might be the better deal. Less likely he'll outgrow it too quickly, as he does with most toys that are supposed to be within his age range.
  • A new boomerang to replace the one he lost a few weeks ago :-)

    Pitting One Parent against Another

    Almost 8:00pm, time for Todd to do some reading before bed. He asked Daddy if he could join him on Daddy's bed, but as Daddy was getting ready to rest, he declined. So what did Todd do?

    Come out into the living room and ask Mommy: "Can I read on the bed with Daddy?"

    Since I hadn't heard the previous conversation with Daddy, I absentmindedly responded "Sure" before catching myself and hastily adding: "Only IF it's okay with Daddy!"

    Tricky little boy! Already learning to try to use one parent to override the directives of the other!

    Wrong Underwear

    Todd and Daddy both wear Hanes underwear, which they look identical... aside from size.

    After his shower today, Todd went into the bedroom to put on his pajamas. I tossed him his undershirt, and, as a practical joke, threw him a pair of Daddy's underwear just to see how long it would take for him to notice.

    A few minutes later, Todd solemnly marched out of the bedroom, holding up Daddy's underwear.

    "Mommy, you gave me the wrong underwear. You gave me Daddy's... DIRTY underwear!" he said, pointing to the stains.

    Well! Mommy's little joke on Todd turned into a laugh at Daddy's expense! :-D

    Little Man Logic

    Some cute funnies from Todd's lips today:

    A bit of background: Mommy and Daddy were wrassling last night and Mommy accidentally punched Daddy's mouth. Hard enough to subdue and hurt him, but not hard enough to hurt her hand (or cause swelling the next day). We were relating this story to Todd at dinner tonight, here is how the conversation went, after explaining the little mishap:

    Todd: Why did Mommy accidentally punch you?
    Mommy: Because we were wrestling.
    Todd: You and Daddy don't wrestle!
    Daddy: Sure we do! We was wrasslin'!
    Todd (in a most serious tone): That's... not right.

    A little while later we were discussing Todd's upcoming birthday, and potential plans for it. We tossed out the suggestion of going to Chuck E. Cheese in LA with the extended family. Trying to drum up excitement, Mommy pointed out what he could do:

    Mommy: You can play skeeball with Uncle Ron. I'll bet you'll score more than him!
    Todd (again, serious): Why? Is he that bad?


    Second loose tooth!

    Todd's second loose tooth, which was right next to his first one, came out last night! He had parked himself in front of the bathroom mirror and started tugging at it, and next thing he knew, it came right out! So now the gap on the bottom has widened a bit.

    We again put his tooth under his pillow, and evidently the tooth fairy was tired of hauling around heavy, noisy coins, because instead of 4 quarters, she left a nice, crisp $1 bill under his pillow :-)

    Too Many Commercials

    The little man got to enjoy watching some much-missed TV at Oma and Opa's house this past week. Poor little guy never gets to watch any here, as we don't have cable, so he made up for it during his spring break.

    He always watches kid-friendly stuff, but I think he pays too much attention to those commercials.

    Cases in point:

    As we pulled out of Oma and Opa's driveway on Sunday afternoon, his parting words to Oma were: "You should use Crest toothpaste! It will whiten your teeth. And your teeth are... not white!"

    Today, while grocery shopping, we wandered through the hygiene product aisle, and Todd made a beeline for the toothpastes. He studied the vast array of Crest brands and decided that he wanted to buy one... for Oma's birthday!

    Later, at home, while Mommy was chopping vegetables for dinner, he watched for a few minutes before piping up with: "You should use Yoshi knives!" and proceeded to give his version of a description of how they worked.

    Yeah... who says commercials don't work? ;-P

    Boneless chicken

    Todd, on hearing Mommy and Daddy talking about boneless chicken (to eat/cook):

    "Well... how does it walk?"

    Clearly he was thinking of something along the lines of the Cousin Boneless character on the "Cow and Chicken" cartoon!

    Birthday Boy Drives

    On the way to Disneyland for Daddy's 40th birthday, Daddy found himself at the wheel during the long stretch of the drive. He demanded to know how he, the birthday boy, ended up being the one to drive!

    Todd's response?

    "You're not a birthday BOY. You're a birthday MAN!"

    Loose Tooth!

    Todd's loose tooth finally came out tonight! It came out while he was eating dinner. He noticed something felt strange in his mouth full of food, and pulled it out. He didn't quite realize it was his tooth until he turned it over to the root and noticed blood on it. He joyfully exclaimed the news to us, and we all rushed over to have a look at this latest milestone. Todd examined himself in the mirror and kept touching his tongue to the gaping hole in the bottom of his front teeth. We took some pictures for posterity.

    He looks a bit like he's grimacing, but since the tooth came from the bottom row, an ordinary smile would have simply covered up the hole with his bottom lip.

    Speaking of loose teeth, last night while brushing his teeth, I noticed that the tooth next to his (what was then really really loose) now missing tooth was starting to loosen, as well. In a few weeks, that gaping hole will become even larger :-)

    Don't say "nothing"!

    Tonight during dinner Daddy and Todd were teasing each other. I don't quite remember what exactly Todd was doing to Daddy, but Daddy first responded with "Owww!" even though it wasn't supposed to hurt.

    Annoyed that Daddy was claiming pain when there wasn't supposed to be any, Todd instructed him: "Don't say 'Owww'!" before doing it again.

    Daddy complied, of course. This time he said: "Ouch!!"

    Todd became even more annoyed, so this time he issued more detailed instructions. You could practically see his thought process as he spoke the words.

    "Don't say 'Oww' or 'Ouch'..."
    (wait a minute... that just means he'll say something else)
    "... say nothing!"
    (wait a minute, I know my Daddy. He'll just say the word "Nothing" instead)
    "... but don't say 'Nothing'!"

    by this time Daddy and Mommy were laughing too hard to say anything-- Todd knows his father soooo well! A little too well, perhaps. Certainly well enough to know what his Dad would do and to foil any such attempts!

    Saving for a house

    Evidently Todd's classmates must have made mention of the fact that they get allowances, for Todd inquired today about them. Then he explained what he was planning to do with the money we're supposed to give him every week:

    "I'm going to save it, and when you're ready to buy a house, when you have almost enough money to buy a house, I'll give you some of my allowance to help pay for it!"

    ... never mind that this money is originally coming from our paychecks to begin with... hey, it's the thought that counts, right?

    More "fun" at school

    Today provided some more school-related drama, courtesy of our friend Loftur. Remember him? If not, you can refresh your memory at:

    At lunch today, I watched as Loftur savagely beat his sandwich against the table. He was unhappy that it was... well, whatever it was, he didn't like it. He threw it against his bag, thumped at it a few times, then took it out and slammed it on the table, where he proceeded to bash his fist into it several times, until one of the older kids told him to knock it off. Okay, not really eyebrow-raising, as that type of behavior is pretty much par for the course for this kid.

    What happened later was more frustrating, however.

    Allan got a call from Todd and Loftur's teacher this evening, informing us that Loftur had hit Todd because Todd apparently told another kid, Johnny, something that Loftur had asked him not to tell. Sounds like Todd told a secret he shouldn't have, right? Still no excuse for Loftur to slap him on the eye, but still something we should discuss with Todd, right? Guess again.

    Turns out this is what had really happened:
    Johnny, a second-grader, was reading to the class. The teacher slipped out of the classroom while he read, putting him "in charge" of the class. Now, courtesy, common sense and rules dictate that other students do not talk while someone is reading. So what do you suppose happened while Johnny read aloud? Why, the same thing that always happens everyday: Loftur turned and talked to Todd.

    Todd, aware of the rules, piped up and told Johnny (who, remember, was "in charge") that Loftur had talked, upon which Johnny did what any teacher would've done: put a check mark next to Loftur's name on the board. This incensed Loftur so much that he slapped Todd in the face, and THAT's evidently when he told Todd that he shouldn't have told Johnny.

    When their teacher returned, Todd told her Loftur had slapped him. She turned to Loftur and asked if that was true. He confirmed. She asked why. He replied with exactly what I stated above: that Todd had told Johnny something Loftur had asked him not to tell. In other words, the kid lied to make it sound like Todd did something wrong. (of course, even if that were true, that's still no excuse for slapping him)

    So what does the teacher do? Rather than get Todd's side of it, or even ask Johnny what happened, she is satisfied with this version of things and sends Todd to the office to get some ice. And since anytime kids go anywhere outside of class, they are accompanied by a buddy, who do you suppose she sent out with Todd? Why, none other than his affirmed slapper-- Loftur!

    So, let's see... she left a room full of 1st and 2nd graders alone at least twice. Strike one. Then she took in only one side of the story. Strike two. Then she pairs Todd and Loftur as they leave the classroom shortly after this incident. Strike three?

    While I'm furious that Loftur basically lied to the teacher about what happened, and am thus concerned about the effects such habits/behaviors have on Todd, I'm even more incensed about how their teacher went about all this. It's really hard to have faith in and support (both financially and by word-of-mouth) a school where my son's teacher doesn't keep discipline in the class properly, and even leaves them alone (however brief that period may be). Sigh...

    St. Patrick's Day Dinner

    Another long drive to LA (or near LA) today!

    Every year since Daddy's first year at UCSB, the Geeks have gotten together for a St. Patrick's Day dinner, hosted by Sara. This year, it was held at Jason and Sara's little guesthouse cabin in the hills of Topanga.

    To our surprise, Todd had the most fun playing with their cat! He had tons of fun waving the "fishing" toy (which consists of some pieces of wood tied to the end of a long, hard wire) at the cat, watching with glee as the cat came up to bat at it. Good thing the cat was there to keep him amused for hours, since there were no other kids to play with.

    Still... no cats for us. Daddy's allergies to them aside, I still maintain they are evil, plotting creatures. I petted the cats soft head only to be swiped at! Clearly, cats are to be left alone :-)

    Old friends, new friends

    Drove down to Rowland Heights today to visit Daddy's old childhood friends, all of whom have children of their own now. Todd was right smack dab in the middle, age-wise. Two older girls aged 9 and 11, and little boys age 2 1/2 and younger. The oldest of those little boys arrived shortly after we visited his mom in Seattle. Todd enjoyed playing with the younger of the 2 girls, until she decided that he was too small to play on the rocking swing and wouldn't let him jump in it anymore. Miffed, Todd refused to play with her (not that I blame him much) and went inside.

    We then got to see Grandma a few houses up, and visited with her and Grandpa Duaine for a little while. Todd got to meet their doggies, too! Doggies are always fun to visit! :-)

    The "F" word

    Last week Todd and I shopped for birthday cards for Daddy. Had to find something special for the big 4-0, after all! While Todd's choices consisted of fun music cards, mine, of course, went to the age digs. And so I found the perfect card for him. The front of it reads:

    Oh no! It's the "F" word, that terrible "F" word! Stop me, please before I lose control and say it again and again and again...

    Inside it reads:

    Forty! You're forty! Yes, Forty! Ha ha! Forty! Forty! Forty!
    Happy Birthday!

    Harmless enough, right? Good for a few giggles.

    Then today at school, apparently, Todd shocked his teacher by making mention of the "F-word". Fortunately, he innocently explained further and told her that his Daddy's 40th birthday was coming up. Whew! Maybe it's not such a bad thing if he thinks, for now, at least, that the F-word is "forty" :-)

    Ants, not Aunts!

    Our home is perpetually invaded by ants. Not a swarm, mind you, just a constant presence of 2 or 3 ants in the kitchen and in the bathroom sink. I wash them down the drain and an hour later 2 or 3 more have taken their place. I was getting fed up with the constant sight of these little buggers, and one evening exclaimed, "Ugh! Ants!!" in disgust.

    To which my smart-aleck husband replied: "What, no uncles?"

    Since this wasn't the first (nor even the hundredth, try thousandth) time he'd cracked that same joke, I all but ignored him.

    Not Todd, who took him a little more seriously and responded in turn:

    "No, not A-U-N-T! Ants! A-N-T!!"

    Todd fires Daddy

    All week Todd has been spending afternoons after school with us at work, since after-school care is closed this week. Yesterday he was hanging out in Daddy's office, where Daddy's attention got diverted by a conversation with a co-worker. Todd was none too pleased at being left out, and so wrote this note for Daddy on the whiteboard:

    No mincing words, there!
    On the bright side, he did end the pink slip with a nice closing of "Love" :-)

    First loose tooth

    I was flossing the little man's teeth last night when I noticed that one of his bottom teeth wiggled a little. I pushed at it with my finger, and sure enough, it was the makings of a loose tooth! Todd was so excited when I revealed this news to him. He bounced around like... well, like he normally does, I suppose ;-P He was especially thrilled that he wouldn't have to wait until he was 6 years old (which I had told him) before he lost his first tooth. I'm sure he's glad to be catching up to his gap-toothed classmates :-D

    You're all wet!

    Just a few minutes ago, Daddy came home from the workout room of our apartment complex, having sweated several hundred calories away on the treadmill. Since I had just shut the door to the bedroom, I knew Todd was still awake and encouraged him to say good night to his son. A sweaty Daddy obliged. When he came out, he told me that Todd had asked him:

    "You're all wet! Why are you wet? Did you go pee-pee in your pants!? Tell Mommy I asked you if you went pee-pee in your pants!"


    Superbowl Sunday

    Todd's first Superbowl! We're not much of sports fan, but since this is more of an opportunity to get together with Daddy's family and hang out, and was really more of a social gathering than a true game-watching, Todd joined Daddy at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron's house today. He had great fun showing them his magic tricks, playing Monopoly with Aunt Debbie and crashing demolition cars with Uncle Ron, teasing him all the while. It's amazing how much he's opened up and feels comfortable socializing with Daddy's family. Well, after 5 years, it was bound to happen-- their nephew/grandson is finally saying and doing interesting things :-)

    Toddy came home with a new friend-- a stuffed seal. Daddy joked that he should name him "iPad". Only... this is proof that you should be careful what kinds of things you say or even joke about in front of kids... because Todd thought it was a fabulous idea and promptly named the seal "iPad". Sigh... maybe we can convince him to call it "Paddy" as a nickname. Irish seal, maybe?

    Kids don't lie

    ... for the most part, anyway! And certainly not when the situation at hand has nothing to do with them (or their getting into trouble!)

    We had dinner with several old UCSB friends, some of whom were in town for the SB International Film Festival. One of the topics of conversation was Daddy's upcoming birthday.

    Ever in denial, he told everyone that he was celebrating the anniversary of his 39th birthday once again. When Todd heard this, he was quick to set him straight, very loud and very clear in front of the whole crowd:

    "No you're not! You're going to be FORTY!!"

    It's not morning!

    Tonight, Daddy went out to dinner with some co-workers. So by the time Mommy and Todd came home from swim lessons at the Y, the house was still dark, making it obvious Daddy wasn't home. Todd noted this, wondering why he wasn't home. I explained where he was. Todd replied, "But why isn't he home YET?" apparently thinking it was late at night and long past dinner time.

    I said "Well, it's still early..."

    "?!? It's not morning!!" came the reply.

    Talk about literal interpretation!

    Report Card

    Got report cards today for the 2nd term of school. Todd's doing well in all areas. Doing okay in handwriting, which is no surprise-- he could definitely use some improvement there. It's amusing to read his teacher's comments praising his good listening. If only he would listen that well at home!! :-P

    School Daze

    Had an interesting conversation with Todd today about some of the goings on in school. In general, he's one of the better-behaved and more attentive students, but he's still a regular, easily-distracted 5-year-old, and having a teacher who's very soft on discipline doesn't help matters.

    The kids' names are listed on the board one by one, and every day they rack up either checkmarks or stars. Stars if they did something well, checkmarks if they misbehaved. I asked Todd if he'd ever gotten checkmarks before, and he said yes, a couple times. Why? Because he kept talking. To his seatmate, Loftur, of course.

    I remember seeing their seats together in the classroom the last few times I was there, and was a bit concerned that putting the 2 together wasn't such a good idea. When I suggested this, Todd explained: "Loftur wanted to sit next to me. Mrs. Markos (their teacher) told him he could, as long as he behaved". Knowing that she seldom takes disciplinary action against such misbehavior anyway, this wasn't such a good idea.

    Then Todd told me how he didn't do well on spelling tests because Loftur kept disturbing. He kept asking Todd what the answers were. Todd, to his credit, so far has ignored his pleas, but even so, it's distracting enough to break Todd's own concentration. Never mind the fact that it's cheating! I'm sure Loftur just doesn't understand that, but it nevertheless leaves me concerned that their teacher overlooks or outright misses this kind of stuff all the time.

    I instructed Todd to tell his teacher the next time Loftur did it again, so she could put a stop to it. They have spelling tests every week... let's see what happens with this next one!

    Saving turtles

    As you may have read in one of my previous posts on my blog, I donated to the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Florida as they became deluged with turtles rescued from the waters of the southeastern United States, stunned from the sudden cold snap. I told Todd about this, and he wanted to help, too: he promised to donate money to such causes every year... once he grew up. When we pointed out that he already had plenty of money from which to donate from, he became a little less enthusiastic about the prospect ;-)

    This weekend we got some more library books, and one of them was a book on animals which included a section on endangered and extinct animals. Featured amongst the endangered animals? The Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, of which there are only 900 in the world. When I explained to Todd what endangered and extinct meant, he grew very concerned. As he clapped his book shut, he declared:

    "When I grow up, I want to work in a turtle hospital!"


    "You're so old!"

    This from Todd just a few minutes ago:

    "Daddy, you're OLD! You're an old man! We need to buy you a cane because you're so old!!"

    Double Master Reader

    Awards ceremony at school today for the Fall into Reading program. Daddy and I missed it, unfortunately. First graders had to read a minimum of 480 minutes by the end of the six-week program. Those who read twice that were deemed "Master Readers".

    Todd, with his voracious reading, read 1968 minutes. He was a Double Master Reader!

    Prizes consisted of books, pencils, candy, a certificate and ice cream.

    Let the reading continue! :-)

    Storybook Time

    Today marked the first day of "Presentation Week", whereby the kids did all sorts of presentations for parents and grandparents. Things kicked off with Storybook Time, in which the kids wrote their own stories and read them aloud to the class. Twice Todd was called upon and asked if he would like to come up and read his story. Twice he refused. I was surprised-- it seemed unusual for him to act so shy in school. Then came the real reason: "I want to go last!" he calmly declared. I see. And last he did go :-P

    Todd's story was about "The meaning of Thanksgiving", in which one friend teaches another about being thankful. Written, illustrated, and narrated by the author :-)

    The kids wrapped up their presentations with a recitation of a couple of poems. They had worked all last week to memorize their lines-- Todd, of course, working on them with Oma, as he was still there the first week back. It all went smoothly, and I was happy that I could be there to see my little man :-)

    Todd the visitor

    At work we're required to sign in visitors, including friends and family members. Todd got a badge he proudly wore. This is his blurry webcam photo that's on his badge. Not the clearest thing in the world, but good enough to identify him. After all, how many other 5-year-olds will you see roaming the building? ;-)

    Santa Claus forgot something...

    While Todd was away in LA during winter break, Allan and I spied some cool gifts at Borders we thought he might like: a little magic set and an origami set. We bought the presents and stashed them away, unwrapped and still in the Borders bag, until Todd returned.

    Having gotten wind of the fact that Santa had delivered some presents that were waiting for him in SB, first thing Todd did after we arrived home was search for the presents. Daddy went into the closet and pulled them out, and Todd delighted in his new gifts for a while.

    Later that evening, it dawned on him that he didn't have to unwrap anything (I hope he didn't notice that Mommy and Daddy even left the price stickers on! Oops!) and asked me this:

    "How come you unwrapped the presents that Santa left here?"

    I hastily explained that when Santa dropped off the presents, he was in such a hurry he didn't have time to wrap them, and asked us to. We, of course, subsequently dropped the ball and neglected to wrap them as well.

    He seemed satisfied with that explanation. Sure beats thinking that we denied him the fun of unwrapping Santa's gifts!

    Funny glasses

    Todd proudly models some of the zany glasses that Grandpa gave us for Christmas. He had fun "disguising" himself! :-)