Birthday pictures

As promised, an update with pictures (click for larger versions)

Todd enjoys the bubble gun:

And struggles with the mammoth water gun!

Here he is digging into and enjoying his presents:

Here are the Blue's Clues themed decorations:

And Todd blends right in with his Blue ears and big Blue sticker!

Birthday cake (Tres Leches with strawberry filling):

And finally, the pièce de résistance: video clip of Toddy with the bubble gun-- and not believing in letting go!

Happy 4th Birthday (the party)

Celebrated Todd's birthday at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron's house today. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't as scorchingly hot as it was last weekend (perfect squirt-gun weather!) so Todd played with bubbles instead. The place was decked out with all sorts of Blues Clues-themed decorations, including adorable stuffed beanie babies of Blue, Magenta and Periwinkle! Aunt Debbie really went all-out! :-)

The celebration itself was nice and relaxing-- Oma and Opa couldn't make it, so it was just the (extended) Knight clan. Todd was still his shy self, ONE of these days Allan's family will get to glimpse the REAL Todd!

Todd was also a bit shy of Winston, his new canine cousin (who arrived yesterday), but the little dog was very friendly and loved to give kisses :-* I'm sure next time around, Todd will be emboldened a bit more and play with him!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I've got quite a few, plus video, stored in my camera. As soon as I upload them I'll post some and updated this entry. Keep checking this space! :)

At the end of the evening, we trooped to Oma and Opa's house to drop him off for the week. Full of cake and well-rested after a nap, the little guy couldn't stop kicking the back of my seat and exclaiming with glee that he was going to Oma and Opa's house. Then, he announced: "You won't see me anymore. I'm staying at Oma and Opa's house for a LONG time. Don't pick up me for a LONG week, okay?"

Awwww... little man won't miss us a bit, will he!

Of Monsters and Boys

Little man and I have developed a new bedtime routine: after all the bedtime stories are read, we turn out the lights and he snuggles into my arms while saying his prayers and then just generally falling asleep. We started out with me snuggling "for five minutes" (invariably it lasted longer than that) and then somehow he extended it to "ten minutes". Sometimes he falls asleep in my arms, sometimes he doesn't, but at least he's quieted down enough that it doesn't take him long to doze off after I've left the room.

Tonight was one of the rare nights when we actually laid in bed and talked for a little while. Sometimes I ask him what he did in school. Usually reticent, he tends to open up more while snuggling comfortably and just relaxing.

Anyway. Fast forward to tonight. We got to talking about monsters and such. Here's how the conversation went:

(T = Todd, M = Mommy)

T: When you're here, I'm not afraid.
M: Aww, what are you afraid of?
T: Monsters.
M: Don't worry, no monsters here. Mommy and Daddy close the doors and windows, so they can't come in.
T: Where do monsters live?
M: Um... where do you think they live? (Haha! Clever way to get around "I don't know"!)
T: The bad monsters are in jail.
M: (Inspiration strikes) And the good ones live on Sesame Street!
T: But where to they REALLY live?
M: On Sesame Street!
T: No, that's just on TV. That's pretend. Where do they REALLY live? (C'mon, Mom, how infantile do you think I am!?)

After I while I realized he was thinking of the monsters from "Monsters, Inc"!

M: But those are all good monsters!
T: No, not ALL of them!
M: Well yeah, Randall and Mr. Waternoose were bad, but look what happened-- they went to jail!

Again the conversation turned to Todd's fear that they would visit him here. I tried to allay those fears.

M: Don't worry, they won't come here. Even if they did, they'd just make jokes and do funny things to make you laugh, that's all. They won't scare you. But they aren't coming here anyway.
T: They're not? Why?
M: Because I told them not to. I told them you had to sleep and if you're busy laughing at them then you're not gonna get enough sleep! (I was feeling quite proud of myself, thinking this up on the fly. Until...)
T: But I didn't hear you (tell them)! (So how do I know you really did?)
M: Oh, um, I told them after you were asleep.
T: (Still skeptical) How did you tell them?
M: (Starting to sweat) Um, I e-mailed them!
T: How do you spell it? (Obviously he meant their email address)
M: (Crud!) M-O-N-S-T-E-R

That seemed to satisfy him, thankfully. I swear, I felt like I was under some heated cross-examination by a razor-sharp, eagle-eyed lawyer. That boy misses nothing, and we're VERY hard-pressed to put anything past him! Yes, I still believe he'll be a lawyer when he grows up :-P

Happy Birthday, Todd

Today Todd turned 4. Hard to believe that it has been 4 years since the little man got suction-cupped out of my womb and entered the world hollering from here to eternity! Since his birthday fell on a school day, he got a personalized crown that he got to wear all day. Mommy and Daddy treated him to a rare sight-- both parents picking him up from school! Then we drove to Rusty's Pizza Parlor for pizza dinner and some arcade games. Here's the little man and his crown:

Here are the boys at play:

Emptying out the camera

Playing catchup on some photos I've been meaning to post but never got around to... until now!

Arming himself with a squirt gun at Aunt Debbie's birthday party, April 12:

Hatching out of a dinosaur egg at the Santa Barbara Zoo, April 19:

Enjoying a snack break from shopping. With Mommy in the coffee shop, enjoying zucchini bread and milk :-9 (April 20)

One of Todd's doodlings on Mommy's whiteboard at work. It started out as an elephant (hence the big ears), but halfway through, he changed his mind and decided to draw a doggie instead. So, I present to you, Elephog! (Eledog?)

And finally, a typical shot of the little man, all splayed out, sound asleep... this time with a doggie resting watchfully over him. No, nobody posed the dog like that. You know how it goes. When the humans aren't watching...

More new words

Putting together reading and phonics is starting to go more easily for the little guy.

Last month I started with words that end in "AT", and since then we've progressed to:


We've enrolled him in a reading class that starts in mid-June. He should be well-prepared for it now :-)

Crazy Hair Day

This entire week has been special dress up days for the kids at Todd's school. Yesterday was backwards/inside-out day, and today? Crazy Hair Day. Followed by Pajama Day tomorrow, Crazy Hat Day on Thursday and Sports Day on Friday.

Not much that can be done with a little boy's hair, especially when his parents have a penchant for keeping it closely cropped (esp in hot weather). But luckily it had been long enough since his last haircut that Daddy was able to take some hair and shape and mold it into a nice little faux-hawk. Here's the results:

What's your name?

It's been so long since Todd has seen Opa and Oma that his Chinese is becoming rusty. He got a chance to talk to them today while calling Oma to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. Opa answered the phone, and Todd naturally fell into speaking Chinese with him, albeit haltingly. Then Oma came on the phone, and he refused to speak Chinese with her. He tried to tease her: "What are you talking about, Oma!?" whenever she said something in Chinese, though we could tell he knew perfectly well what she was saying.

Oma tried to persuade him to speak Chinese by saying "I don't understand you. Speak Chinese!"

Oh, but Todd was not to be fooled, and was quick to correct her: "Yes you do! You can speak English!"

There is, however, one Chinese word that he still prefers, and that is his (nick)name: Pao Pao (simply, "little boy" in Chinese).

So much so than when Mommy or Daddy try to say his full name, Todd Knight, he shakes his head and insists: "No, I'm not Todd. I'm Pao Pao. My name is Pao-Pao Knight!"

Little boy Knight? Well, I suppose that's apt, too!

Big brother?

Daddy was commenting on how Aunt Debbie was his big sister, and that he's her little brother.

Ever the literal-minded boy, Todd insisted that Daddy was the big brother. No, Daddy kept insisting-- "I'm Aunt Debbie's LITTLE brother!"

Exasperated, Todd made it clear why Daddy was wrong:

"But you grew up so big, like a giant!!"