Tickling is not helping!

When Todd found himself in a bit of a pickle when he tried to crawl head-first off the futon, he clamored for help. As you can see, Daddy decided to have some fun instead. Todd's response was very apt! :-)

Family relationships

Daddy was going over the relationships between various people in Todd's immediate family, stuff like "Oma is Mommy's mommy", "Grandpa is Aunt Debbie's daddy", and "Aunt Debbie is Daddy's sister".

After exhausting the various parsings of the family tree, Todd chimed in: "And Daddy is... Mommy's wife!"

Yep... you got that exactly right, son! ;-)

Sidewalk Art

Finally broke open the chalk stocking stuffer today. Here are Todd and Daddy, hard at work on the front walk of our apartment:

Some of their handiwork. Todd has written his first name, his last name, and made a stab at writing "Happy Kwanza" (click on the pic for full size)

And this, we lovingly dub "self portrait". The little lines going horizontally across the front are supposed to be Todd's zipper on his jacket:

Meet Sheldon P. Turtle

His full name is Sheldon Pistachio Turtle. We call him Pistachio. It rhymes with Geronimo! Here he is with the onesie-clad Geronimo:

Also, a little bit of turtle-related logic:
Geronimo had gone missing today, and we searched for him in vain. I knew we just hadn't thoroughly checked every nook and cranny, nevertheless, I mused to Todd: "Geronimo ran away!"

This made Todd pause. Then he tried to bring me back to reality: "No! He didn't run away! He's just a toy!"

Merry Christmas 2007

Started the morning by seeing what Santa had left in our stockings. In Mommy and Daddy's stocking was an assortment of candy: chocolates, candy canes and lollipops. Todd's stocking held the mother lode: the same candy, plus a plastic cane filled with M&Ms, a pair of gloves, sidewalk chalk and a stuffed Blue doggie!

We then scrambled to get ready to drive to Ron and Debbie's house, where there was NO traffic at all! Ah, the joys of driving ON Christmas day, when everyone is already cozily at home and not on the road!

Had fun opening presents once we arrived.
Todd got a Tonka truck, construction site and SpongeBob mitt/puppet from Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron, a LeapPad "learn to read and write" gadget from Grandpa (in addition to the usual cash and stocking stuffers), Lincoln Logs, puzzles, more LeapPad stuff and a check (a.k.a "paper!") from Oma and Opa.
Mommy and Daddy got a cute little penguin ornament (which Todd immediately clamored to hang on the tree when we got home), Ferrero Rochers (Mommy's favorite) and our annual AAA membership (which we put to immediate use). Todd made a grab for Daddy's paddleball and Play-Doh in his stocking stuffer ;-)

This year, in addition to the usual Hickory Farms boxes, we got nut assortments from a Hickory Farms offshoot, and Jim Beam sauces/marinades for the grill lovers, Ron and Duaine, and flavored coffee for the coffee lover-- Grandpa!

Todd enjoyed playing with Daddy's family, and really came out of his shell to interact with them. Here he is playing Road Rage with Aunt Debbie:

When Aunt Debbie tried to push her car (to no avail) through a large truck, Todd observed her futile attempts onscreen for a few seconds before chiming in with his suggestion: "You have to back up, Aunt Debbie!"
He also shrieked with delight as the two of them got on the floor of the living room to play with the construction set, carting boulders, exploding them, and catapulting the little workers in the air ;-)

Todd loved playing with Sammy, trying to "introduce" Blue to the little white dog, and always coaxing his "cousin" to come outside so they could run around. He also got a kiss from Sammy on his cheek, and wiped off the wetness with a strange look on his face!

After the celebration was over (and after AAA came to unlock our car after Daddy locked the keys inside) we headed over to Grandma's house to deliver her presents. We sat in the living room, right where Daddy and Aunt Debbie used to open their gifts as children, and dug into Grandma and Grandpa Duaine's gifts: pajamas for Mommy (yay!), a drum set for Todd, and a cheese cutter with meat and cheese assortments for Daddy. Love how Daddy always gets kitchen-related gifts. Not only are they very useful, but it goes to the right person-- the member of the family who spends the most time in the kitchen! ;-)

Whew! What a day! It really did shape up to be a very pleasant and fun Christmas!

Christmas Eve

Summary blog entry about Christmas Eve and Christmas day (plus some pictures) can be found here:

Christmas Eve started out as just another day. Todd and I did a bit of last-minute shopping at K-Mart, where he had fun perusing the toy aisle. However, when he learned that 1) we would open presents as soon as it got dark and 2) it was going to get dark within an hour, he kept clamoring to go home! Not having to pry him away from the toy aisle? Now there's a first!

Here he is digging into his stash of gifts:

We enjoyed a quiet little dinner of turkey ham, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, and egg custard pie :-9 Then we hung up stockings in anticipation of a visit from Santa after we went to bed.


About a year or two ago, Todd did what most kids do-- fed the VCR (or in this case, Daddy's CD changer) stuff that it's not supposed to "eat". Luckily nothing liquid-- just lots of coins and plastic poker chips. Funny how the CD changer hasn't worked since :-P

Anyway, today Daddy took it apart and cleaned out all the errant stuff Todd had inserted over the years. Todd, of course, happily played with the coins and poker chips. When he started taking to throwing them around the house, however, Mommy and Daddy sternly admonished him to stop. Daddy even pointed out: "it's not a ball, so it's not for throwing!"

Todd picked up his scattered coins, examined them, and then declared: "But it's round!"

Dora speaks English

Visited the library this evening. Todd read some children's book in the little children's nook of the library while Mommy perused the bookshelves for something good to check out. When she returned to see how Todd was doing, he'd collected a few books he wanted to take home. One of them was a Dora book. Mommy flipped through it to see if it was any good, and promptly pointed out that it was in Spanish, so she couldn't read it and there was no point in checking that book out.

Apparently Mommy forgot one thing that Todd quickly reminded her of: "But Dora speaks English!"

Sleeping animals

Bedtime has become a routine: brush your teeth, read some bedtime stories, say good night to everyone, settle down with a bottle of milk, get tucked in under the blanket, and drift off to sleep with some soothing classical music.

Today Todd decided to do the same for his stuffed Santa Dog: tucked him into a little "cradle" (the dog fits nicely into the construction helmet Todd received on Thanksgiving), covered the dog with one of his own blankets, and then turned on some music so doggie could sleep. The source of the music? Mommy's old Fisher Price "record player" music box toy, the one she used to play with at Todd's age.

Not only does playtime imitate real life, but sturdy toys can be passed down to the next generation for continued use!

Playing with flat turtles

Todd was playing with his turtle, and stuffed the hapless critter between 2 pillows, making a "turtle sandwich".

To this, Geronimo protested (through Mommy, of course): "No! Don't eat me!"

Todd replied, "We're just pretending!" as he squished the sandwich.

This caused Mommy to exclaim: "Aww, the poor turtle will be flat!"

Todd looked at me quizzically and pointed out: "But... he's ALREADY flat!"

What do you say?

It's not just the grownups who teach Todd manners:

MOMMY: What do you say?

TODDY: Thank you!

MOMMY: (ruffling Todd's hair) That's a good boy!

TODDY: What do YOU say?

MOMMY: Oh! You're welcome!

Flowers for Oma

Yesterday, Todd had just watched a Dragon Tales episode where Cassie used a magic crayon to draw a get-well card for her ailing mother. The "magic" of the crayon is that anything you draw comes to life-- so when she drew a heart on the front of the card, it popped out in 3-D, and the flowers in the card sprang out as if a bouquet had been suppressed inside.

So, little man decided he wanted to follow suit by making Oma a get-well card (appropriate timing, as she's currently in surgery as I type this). I helped him by showing him how to draw certain flowers: daisy, tulip, daffodil. After watching me carefully, he tried drawing the flowers himself, freehand. Afterward, we colored them and cut them out to mimic the "3-D" nature of the magic crayon's effects.

Here's the results of our efforts (click on the photo for a larger version):

Not bad! His drawing skills are definitely improving!
Now... to set about making another card for Oma for when she gets home from the hospital...

Yours... but not yours

Yesterday evening I went grocery shopping with Todd. As it was a cold, blustery night, when we returned to the car in the parking lot, and before I could put away groceries or let Todd in, I immediately opened the driver's-side door, reached in, popped the key in the ignition, and started the engine, hoping to get some warm air through the car right away.

Thinking that I was going to take off right after starting the car, Todd immediately protested:

"Don't leave without me! You won't have your Pao-pao!"

As we drove home, I casually made mention of how Todd "belongs to Mommy and Daddy".

His response? "I don't belong to Mommy and Daddy! I belong to Opa and Oma!"


Yet another slew of updates all posted today, be sure to scroll down for all of them :-)

Todd's first visit to Santa Claus today. He was excited about being able to see him, sit on his lap, make his Christmas wish, and get his picture taken. The picture printout isn't the most stellar, and the prices were a bloody ripoff for the quality, but it's a nice memento of his first visit to Santa :-)

Counting to Three

Well, this is my (Daddy) first attempt at a blog entry here on Todd's diary. You'll excuse me if I don't write as well as Helly.

Tonight Todd and I decided to play baseball, football and soccer in the backyard. All this play really entails is Todd and I throwing the balls around. Todd was chasing the balls and fell on the ground. I admonished him to get up immediately because the grass was wet and it was a cold night. Todd preferred to stay on the ground. I tried the old counting to three trick, and for the most part it worked. I threatened to take him back inside on the count of three if he did not get up off the ground. He complied, but continued to fall to the ground. 

One time he decided to find out how much he could get away with. He fell to the ground and was lying all the way down. I began counting three, and he sat up on his butt. I began again to count to three and he attempted to comply by getting on his knees. By this time I was on to his little game, but thought it was cute and I decided to see how far he would take the game. I was very impressed. He went from his knees to squatting to legs straight, but bent over, to finally standing up straight with Daddy counting almost to three at each step. How could I get mad at that? It was very cute and we laughed the entire time. 

Light Show

Opa drove Mommy and Todd to see the LADWP Light Show in Griffith Park tonight. Traffic was surprisingly light! Todd was quiet when he saw the lights last year, what a marked difference to tonight, where he commented on every light display we saw, and even asked his usual slew of "why?" questions.

I managed to snap a few photos of the lights using my camera phone. Not the best quality, but decent.

One of my favorites: the Griffith Observatory:

Todd's favorite, the LAFD elf firetruck:

And this was the patriotic display at the end of the row of displays. Todd exclaimed in excitement when he saw it, and proceeded to recite the Pledge of Allegiance when he saw the flag!

Big boys don't cry

Today at school Todd played with Gavin, an older kid he hangs out with frequently. As boys often do, their play got a bit too rough, and Gavin ended up shoving Todd, causing him to fall on his butt, and hit his head on the ground.

When I arrived to pick him up, he was still in tears, sitting with the teacher, who was holding a bag of ice to his head.

Now-- you know how resilient and "hard-headed" (in the literal sense!) Todd can be, so it must have been a pretty hard bump to cause him to cry!

Later on, after recapping the day's events, he pointed out his thoughts on head bumps:

"No, I'm a big boy now. I don't cry-- I use ice!"

What kind of ball?

Christmas is approaching. The newspapers are filled with full-page ads from department stores advertising holiday sales. Today I opened up the paper and perused the Macy's ad, where I spied the cutest collection of plush balls-- soccer, baseball, football, basketball (what can I say-- I'm a sucker for plush balls, especially soccer balls!)

I showed Todd the picture to see if he could identify the various sports, and he did, correctly. Then I asked which ones he liked.

"Baseball. And basketball.... and football!"

I asked: "Not soccer?"

"No, I don't like soccer. I fall down! When I'm bigger I play soccer."

Shark Sundays

Sundays at the aquarium at Santa Monica Pier involve presentations and feeding observation of the small sharks and stingrays swimming in the main tank.

The aquarium itself was a nice little spot tucked under the carousel at the pier. We played with the toys, read books, and got to see all kinds of small sea creatures, including a "petting zoo" with such animals as silky soft sea hares and hard, spiny starfish.

Todd's reaction when he touched the starfish?

"It's rough-- just like Daddy and Opa!"


Another low-key and pleasant Thanksgiving at Uncle Ron and Aunt Debbie's house. Todd was more interactive with the family. While he wasn't as talkative as he can get, he had no problem hanging out with the various family members without Mommy or Daddy present.

Uncle Ron and Aunt Debbie gave him a toy tool set, and he enjoyed digging into it and sharing "fixing" tasks with Grandma, Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron. He even used the opportunity to teach Uncle Ron how to count to 5 ;-)

He played baseball with Grandpa on the front lawn, and even had fun following Sammy around, in and out of the house!

And though he didn't talk much, he at least responded (sometimes with nods, sometimes at a near whisper) when asked questions directly. Let's see if he opens up a bit more by Christmas!

Here's Todd in his Pilgrim hat:


Todd, bravely and loudly, to his rowdy classmates as the teachers were trying to quiet everyone and round them up: "SSSSSHHHHHH!!!!" with finger to lips.

TV shows

Mommy and Daddy grew up on Sesame Street, 3-2-1 Contact, and Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Nowadays, the selection of children's TV shows, particularly educational ones, has expanded.

Among Todd's regularly-watched shows? Caillou, Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer and Go, Diego Go!

Caillou reminds me of Todd-- little bald boy playing imaginatively. I like Blue's Clues because-- well, it features a darling doggie! The interactive nature of it is fun too. But I think Dora and Diego top the interactivity factor, as well as the puzzle-solving nature of the show.

Today, as Todd was watching Diego, he proclaimed: "I think this is my favorite!"

I would have to agree-- as I said, I like the interaction and thinking factors of the show. But what I like best about it is the recap at the end-- a bit of comprehension testing to review what the kids have learned on the show. Plus-- it's all about rescuing animals-- and instilling a love for animals is definitely something I want for my son :-)

Using big words

... like a true lawyer! ;-)

After Daddy frustrated Mommy for the umpteenth time tonight with his usual smart-aleck mouth, Mommy let out a very aggravated "Aaaarrgghh!"

To which Todd wagged his finger at her with: "Don't say aaarrrggghh!"

Mommy tried defending herself: "But Daddy was consternating me!"

So Todd ran out to give Daddy a piece of his mind: "Stop consternating Mommy!" ... as if he knew what the word "consternate" even meant! I guess Mommy's thoroughly exasperated reaction told him everything he needed to know about the word :-D

Don't Go, Daddy!!

Yesterday Daddy had a meeting at 8pm to go to. I was showering Toddy and getting him ready for bed when Daddy started getting ready himself, and began bidding Todd good-bye. When he explained where he was going, Todd was puzzled at first:

"You don't go to meeting! It's late! The campus is closed!"

Daddy tried to explain that he had to go, which caused Todd to get very agitated and insist in tears:

"No! I won't let you go!!"

Of course, he quieted down a few seconds later, when Mommy popped a Dora tape into the VCR ;-)

One for each parent

As you can tell from the previous post, Todd has been learning not only to spell his first and last names, but also what first and last names actually ARE. He knows his, downpat. Daddy's is easy because he has the same last name. And Mommy? Well after learning Mommy's name, Todd soon realized that she doesn't share his or Daddy's last name.

So today, Todd remarked that he was a Knight just like Daddy, so there was one Knight child-- for Daddy! His next remark?

"We need another one (kid)! We need one more 'Kwee', for Mommy!"


Todd's latest masterpiece: he wrote his first AND last names-- ALL by himself! And then drew a person which I guess is supposed to be him :-D (click on the photo for a larger version-- apologies for the blurriness!)

Today Todd also accompanied Daddy to work and spent some time doodling on the dry-erase board. Daddy decided to teach him how to draw a turtle, and created this sample for Todd to follow:

So Todd diligently followed suit and created this cute little turtle sketch of his own. Note how his drawing actually looks more like a real turtle than Daddy's! ;-)

Turtle generosity

Geronimo the turtle is sitting next to me on the desk as I type this. No, I didn't steal him away from my unsuspecting son! To recap: the "rivalry" between Mommy and son for face time with Geronimo has reached legendary proportions. Hey, I can't help it-- that's a darn cute stuffed turtle!

Well, recently Todd started becoming more generous with Geronimo. He would give me the turtle and say "I'm giving you turtle because you like him, because he's so cute!"


On a side turtle-related note, I dressed Todd in a turtleneck sweater this morning. I explained what a turtleneck was, and agreed with his observation that turtles have turtlenecks as well-- by default. He mulled it over in his head while examining the stuffed turtle in his hands. His conclusion?

"If I have a shell, then I will be a turtle, too!"


Daddy's been nursing a cold this week, and so had to be careful not to spread germs. When Todd clamored to try some of Daddy's food, we had to explain why he couldn't-- Daddy was sick and if Todd ate from him, he'd get sick, too.

Well, tonight Mommy came down with a nasty headache. While she was waiting for the Tylenol to kick in, Todd warned Daddy to stay away:

"If Mommy touches your head, you will get a headache!"

Little workspace

Todd has really started to enjoy typing his name onto the computer. He knows how to spell "Todd Knight"! Here he is after setting up his own little workspace on his stepping stool seat, mimicking Mommy's desk, which always has her cup of tea on it:

Multiple Todds?

While browsing for children's books at the library, I came across a book with a title character named Todd-- pictured on the front. I mused to Toddy, "hey, look-- it's another Todd!" He examined the picture on the cover carefully and then declared:

"That's not Todd! He doesn't have Superman shoes!" (in reference to the Superman sneakers he wears all the time)

Caution Signs

Mommy and son enjoyed a nice day all to ourselves and made an excursion north of town to do some shopping. Because Santa Barbara possesses no large discount stores (like Wal-Mart-- the lone K-Mart we have is tiny and overpriced), large dollar-store chains (like Dollar Tree) or inexpensive grocery stores (like Food4Less), we ventured 46 miles north to Lompoc to hit all 3 such stores. Not only for groceries, but for all sorts of essential items-- cleaning supplies, school supplies, kitchen utensils, diapers, formula, personal hygiene items, etc... not only was the monetary savings well worth the trip, but it provided for a nice long day for just the 2 of us to hang out.

We left early in the morning, as we were both up before 8:00. Out of the door before 9:00, had a 2nd breakfast once we arrived, shopped, browsed the toy aisles, had lunch, and even had fun perusing a Sears appliance shop (where my original goal was to find a bathroom to use before we headed home)-- looking at mattresses, vacuum cleaners, and stoves and fridges, trying to find the ones that matched what Opa and Oma had in their kitchen at home. Anyway, we didn't get home until nearly 4pm. Now THAT's a day trip!

Now, the funny little gem of the day occurred at bathtime. Todd slipped on the wet bathtub and landed square on his butt. When he got up, I seized the opportunity to explain further to him what the yellow "slippery when wet" caution cone meant-- the one we saw at McDonald's during lunch. There, I explained the hazards of wet floors and likelihood of slipping and falling. Now that Todd had exemplified that principle in the bathtub, I decided to hammer it home by reiterating the "slippery when wet" concept.

Todd's observation? "How come there's no (warning) sign in here (the bathtub)?"

Another new friend

Todd made another new friend today! He was clamoring to go out into the backyard, and Mommy decided to use the opportunity to sweep up and clean the back patio, which hadn't been touched since the winds blew ash from the Zaca fire into our neck of the woods a few weeks ago.

As soon as we bundled up and stepped outside, we saw a couple of our neighbors wandering about and playing in the communal backyard. One of the kids was a little girl about Todd's age, and not as reticent ;-)

It took a while, but before long Todd warmed to her and they began conversing and playing! She then led him to her back porch, where a sandbox and plethora of toys awaited the kids. I sat outside on our back patio to do some reading while keeping an eye on the kids happily playing. I could hear Todd excitedly chatter away with his new friend. They enjoyed playing for an hour before calling it a day. I was quite pleased to see Todd come out of his shell a bit. He doesn't get to play with many kids his age very often, after all. And more so, kids his age who aren't too aggressive!

Community Fair

Mass updates posted today-- be sure to scroll down the blog to read all of them! ;-)

Today we went to a fair at the neighboring family student housing complex-- near where we used to live before downgrading to our current smaller apartment. It was designed to showcase some of the community services-- such as the fire and police departments, a local church, pre-school for student families, and the like. There was free food-- popcorn, lemonade, pizza, salad and PBJ sandwiches.

Todd enjoyed seeing the police car and firetruck (though I suspect Daddy enjoyed them more than Todd), and even got stickers in the shape of badges-- he was an honorary policeman and junior fireman that day :) You can see the stickers on his sweater in this photo taken at the adjacent playground (which he also made a beeline for):

We got to watch men dressed as knights do some jousting with fake swords-- much like what you see on Monty Python ;-) We enjoyed a free lunch of pizza and lemonade in the shade. And we topped off the day with some sidewalk art-- there was a bucket full of jumbo chalk next to one of the booths, with an invitation to do some chalk drawings on the pavement. Todd elected to write his name out, both in all-uppercase and all-lowercase. Here's the fruits of his labors:

And here is Mommy's trademark happy face that adorns most of her letters/cards... started back in junior high!

Happy Halloween!

Here is little man decked out as a pumpkin for Halloween. You might note a bit of glitter on his face, that's because he worked on craft projects using lots of glitter, at school that day.

Later that night, he had fun handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters, even though only 3 showed up. He sat on the couch, hands on his face, looking out the window and patiently waiting for people to show up so he could hand out candy.

Johnny's son, who turns 2 in January, showed up with his entourage of family members, dressed in an adorable devil's outfit-- he looked just like a mini Johnny! Hard to believe that I used to babysit his dad years ago!

Babies in tummies

While taking a shower, Todd examined his bellybutton and wanted to know what it was and where it came from. I explained to him how he grew inside Mommy's tummy and how a cord was attached to his belly so that when Mommy ate food, it would go through the cord and into baby Toddy, so he could grow. This sparked a discussion of where other members of the family came from: Mommy grew in Oma's tummy, Oma grew in Ama's tummy, and Daddy grew in Grandma's tummy.

Todd's next logical leap? Who grows in Toddy's tummy? I explained that babies don't grow in boys' tummies, only girls'.

But Todd begged to differ: "Boys grow in boys' tummies!"

Later on, while in SB, he asserted that while he was in Mommy's tummy, he had his stuffed turtle with him in there ;-)

Keen noses

Today Todd went with Mommy, Opa and Oma to visit Ama's grave and bring her some flowers. While in the car on one of California's busier freeways, Todd wrinkled his nose when he smelled car exhaust through the open windows.

"I think something smells bad!" he exclaimed. Then he sniffed some more to try to figure out what that smell was. His conclusion? "I think somebody is smoking!"

This, of course, made Mommy and Oma giggle, and Mommy said "He has a sharp nose!"

That, of course, triggered a chain reaction of Toddy questions: "How about Mommy?" yes, Mommy has a sharp nose. Opa? Yes. Oma? No, just a regular nose. Ama? Hmmm... that made Mommy pause and wonder.

While waiting, Todd supplied his own answer: "Ama has... an *old* nose!"

True enough! ;-)

(and for the record, Ama did have a very sharp nose)


Todd has slowly but surely begun to learn writing letters. He can already read the alphabet, both uppercase and lowercase, and now it's time to train his fingers to begin forming letters. The past several weeks have entailed such practice-- one letter at a time, mostly through homework from preschool.

And since Todd has learned a while ago how to spell his own name (he loves proclaiming "T-O-D-D!") he's been practicing writing those 4 letters, both upper and lowercase. Here's a recent sampling of his work, after much practice:

Runny noses

Todd was battling the flu last week, and this week it was Mommy's turn. So, I stayed in Santa Barbara. While talking to Todd on the phone yesterday, he piped up, while telling me that he was still sick: "My nose is runny!"

I replied: "Yeah, Mommy's nose is runny too"

Ever the helpful boy, Todd offered: "I can take your boogers out!"

I guess he was hoping to pay me back for all the times I patiently fished boogers out of his nose with tweezers and tissue, so he could breathe easily at night :-)

Clever Todd-isms

Getting Todd ready so we could head to Santa Barbara this morning: I had to wash his face so I dragged him into the bathroom, washcloth in hand. After I was done wiping his face, I searched in vain in the bathroom drawers for the lotion for his dry face. Todd tried to point out that there wasn't any there, but I persisted in looking. Finally I gave up and went to the kitchen, where I knew there was lotion for sure. Todd rubbed it in my face: "See? I told you it was in the kitchen!"

I tried to defend myself by telling him I needed to wash his face first. To which Todd patiently pointed out: "You can use the kitchen sink!!"

Later that night, when we were reading bedtime stories, Todd took it upon himself to read some of the Clifford (the big red dog) stories to Happy, Daddy's stuffed dog. When Daddy made Happy wave and say "Hi" to the dogs in the story, Todd replied: "They can't talk! That's just a picture!"

And at the end of the day? As he was getting ready to sleep? He denied Daddy's "old man"-ness, saying to me: "Daddy is young! YOU are old!" ... much to Daddy's great joy, of course ;-)

When kids wise up

Parents are known for going to any length necessary in order to get their stubborn kids to comply, even with everyday tasks. And when you have a kid like Todd, you have to get pretty creative.

One of my more trying endeavors is to get Todd's teeth brushed before bed. It's usually pretty hard to pry him away from Opa and drag him into the bathroom. Recently, I found I had some success by using Geronimo the stuffed turtle. Todd seemed much more willing to listen to Geronimo's command of "brush your teeth!" and even had fun pretending to brush the turtle's teeth before I brushed Todd's. All was well for the next few days.

Alas, like most tricks, Todd quickly got wise to this one, as evidenced last night. While I tried to cajole him, I made the turtle say: "Come on, you can brush my teeth!"

Todd's reply? "You do it by yourself! Mommy can teach you!"

Budding photographer

Daddy just recently got a new phone-- the Motorola RIZR, a gorgeous, slim slider phone with a 2MP camera. When Todd discovered the phone's camera capabilities, he had great fun taking pictures of various things and then looking at them onscreen. Here is a sampling of his work:

This is his chin and mouth, when he accidentally had the phone facing the wrong way.

A rather candid shot of Daddy caught in mid-sentence:

And Todd's favorite photographic subject, Geronimo the turtle! He had fun propping Geronimo up and making him pose for pictures.

This one cracks me up the most because Todd's finger got in the way, and the way the turtle is positioned, makes it look like Todd is pushing the poor creature over with this gigantic finger!

(note Todd's little sock-clad footsie in the corner :-D )

Spontaneous expressions of love

It's a very rare occasion that Todd initiates an "I love you" all on his own. Usually he responds "I love you, too!" when someone says it first-- and even then, only half the time.

Yesterday we were going through the list of immediate family members-- Mommy, Daddy, all his grandparents, etc... asking "Do you love so-and-so?" and getting "Yes!" in response each time.

By the time we finished the list, he then piped up, without any prompting whatsoever:

"And... I love Great-Uncle!"

Random photos from shopping

Mommy likes taking advantage of the fact that having a camera in her phone allows her to take photos wherever she is. And when shopping, there's no shortage of cute Toddy poses that can be assumed, like the one of him sitting in a little chair at Wal-Mart when we had a Mommy-son day Labor Day Weekend :-) Here are some more.

First up: Todd the CEO. This was taken at Office Depot's furniture section. Looks like Geronimo the turtle is serving as his faithful assistant :-D

Next: Todd at Food4Less. With Mommy's flannel shirt on, he looks like a little farmhand!

More hats: This was taken at K-Mart, where Mommy came across some cute hats while looking for purses. This hat in particular, and in this shot, makes Todd look like Grandpa!

Tuck-in Express

Yesterday afternoon, after getting home from shopping, poor Oma was so exhausted that upon coming in through the front door, she simply collapsed onto the sofa for a quick power nap.

Todd observed this, and rather than bug her like he normally would, he played quietly, somehow sensing that Oma really needed her rest. But the best was yet to come:

He noticed that she was still wearing her sandals and that one leg dangled off the sofa. So he carefully removed her sandals, and then picked up the errant leg and placed it comfortably on the sofa. But that's not all.

He scampered into the bedroom, and returned carrying a blanket, his security pillow, and a stuffed animal. He then proceeded to carefully cover Oma with the blanket, smoothing it out and making sure it was covering her and tucked in nicely. The pillow went to the side of her head, and the stuffed toy into her arms. Not just any stuffed animal, either-- but Todd's absolute favorite-- Geronimo the sea turtle! He then topped it all off with a kiss!!

Then Todd ran back into the bedroom, leaving Oma wondering what else he was up to. He returned with another blanket in tow. When she asked him what he was doing, he looked at her and sternly admonished something I'd chastised him about many times before (in an effort to get him to go to sleep): "Close your eyes!"

Afterward, he crawled into the other sofa, covered himself, and pretended to go to sleep-- without his pillow, and without his turtle!

What generosity :-)

Mass updates

FYI-- I've updated this blog with 8 (that's right-- eight!) new entries, not including this one. So be sure to scroll down, down, down and read all of them. Enjoy! :-)

Turtles wear clothes, too!

I couldn't help myself. While dressing Todd after his bath last night, he clamored to have his turtle wear pajamas, too. Since I'd just finished cleaning out storage boxes full of clothes, I immediately thought of the newborn onesies Todd used to wear-- we saved a few for posterity. Well, you can imagine what happened next, in my quest to keep the beloved turtle warm and Todd entertained:

Puzzle accomplishments

Ever since Opa bought him a 24-piece puzzle that results in a 9x12 inch picture, Todd has gotten addicted to putting puzzles together. So Opa got him a few more. Usually he does pretty well, with a bit of assistance and prompting from us. But today he actually managed to piece some of the puzzles together all by himself, without ANY help or evern supervision from the grownups! Here he is proudly showcasing his accomplishment:

Missing Ama

As you've seen from the video in an earlier blog entry, Todd is adept at creating silly faces and mimicking crying, sniffles and all! So it wasn't much of a surprise when he sauntered into the room today, face buried in his hands, pitiful fake sniffles to be heard.

When I asked him why he was "crying", however, I was surprised by his amazingly appropriate response:

"Because Ama-ama isn't here!"

Looks like little man is starting to miss her.

Ama's funeral

Today was Ama's funeral. Todd behaved quite nicely, despite getting a bit fidgety during the times when he was expected to sit still. He put a little heart-shaped pillow with the words "I Love You" embroidered onto it, into the casket before it was closed. And at the gravesite, he stood in rapt fascination as the bulldozers and backhoes went to work filling the plot.

Afterward, we gathered at Black Angus for an early dinner, and while there, Todd let loose some of his pent-up energy and kept the grownups entertained-- everything from bothering great-uncle incessantly, to playing with Grandma and Mr. Turtle, to admonishing Daddy loudly "don't say that!" when Daddy tried to keep him in line.

Here's a shot of Toddy hamming it up at the restaurant:

That evening, we returned to Opa and Oma's house, where Todd enjoyed himself by playing with Great-Uncle, who was quite good-natured about all the rambunctiousness.

A Todd nugget:
Since he's heavy for his age, Great-Uncle had a hard time lifting him, and so he tried to explain to Todd that he wasn't strong enough to carry him all the time.

Todd's solution (in Chinese, of course)? "You need to eat so you can get strong!"

By the time we were ready to return to SB, Todd had a fit, and refused to go along-- he was having so much fun with Great-Uncle that he didn't want to leave! Poor little man really enjoyed the undivided attention that Great-Uncle afforded him, and again, it was so refreshing to see Todd interacting to naturally with someone else, someone he doesn't normally see on a regular basis!

Todd in a suit!

ot Toddy a suit today for the funeral, and also got his hair cut. Here's our little man, looking quite dapper in his new clothes. He was very excited to get the suit and couldn't wait to try it on when we got home. I barely had time to set down my purse when we walked in through the front door, and he was already clamoring to put it on! Here he is, in stages:

Grass cutting, simplified

Todd loves mowing the lawn. He loves playing outdoors. So when he couldn't get the mower out of the shed because Opa was at work, he decided to cut the grass using an alternative method: scissors! Here he is, hard at work:

A new friend

A couple of my parents' friends who live nearby stopped by the house to offer their condolences on Ama's passing. While my dad was talking to his friend, Todd ventured a bit out of his shell and started playing with him. My dad promptly dubbed the friend "Opa An" (as An is part of his name). Todd started by simply nodding and pointing and basically interacting mutely with him, then gradually developed more confidence and started talking with him. When I whisked him away for a shower, he kept clamoring to go back into the living room to play with Opa An! And by evening's end, he was playing with Opa An just as rambunctiously as he was with Opa-- shrieks of laughter, tickling, teasing.

It was so refreshing to see Todd take to someone new so rapidly and so comfortably!

Creative thinking

One morning a couple weeks ago, Todd discovered bugs on the ceiling-- large dragonflies resting there. Since we maintained that the apex of the ceiling (at 14 feet) was too high to reach, Todd put his thinking cap on and then proceeded to find a broom and attempt to scrape them off. But the broom wouldn't reach! So he dragged a chair from the kitchen and climbed on it. Here are the fruits of his labor:

Todd also loves to express his creativity in other, more artsy ways. You know-- the usually crayon/marker/pen/pencil on paper endeavor. But sometimes it's not just limited to paper. Observe the hallowed walls of my parents' house. Not a single room has escaped Todd's touch, and these pics are but small examples of his, um, work. The clock on top, and socket outlet on the bottom, should give you some idea of just how widely these scribbles span (almost the entire wall!):

And this is a drawing of a person: note the large face, and arms and legs protruding out in the right places:

Funny Faces

Here's Todd making a variety of funny faces at Mommy's behest. At the end (cut off), he scrambles up and says "I want to see it!"

Labor Day weekend

Santa Barbara provided a nice respite from the record-breaking heatwave hitting LA, especially the Valley! While my parents roasted at 107 degrees, Todd and I enjoyed a breezy, sunny 78 degrees in SB. Saturday was chore and errand day-- shopping, washing Daddy's car, and cleaning out the back patio. In the middle of it, we bought lunch and delivered it to Daddy, who was studying on campus, because all the eateries there were closed due to the holiday weekend. We enjoyed a little picnic, explored the library a bit, and then finished our chores.

Next day, Mommy and Todd left after lunch (which we enjoyed on the clean back patio) so Daddy could have some quiet time to study for his upcoming interview. We stopped by Wal-Mart on the way home, and made a field day of it. After picking up the items Mommy was shopping for, we spent a long time sauntering through the toy aisle, looking at and playing with the numerous toys. Here's Todd sitting in a kiddie chair:

Afterward, we stopped by the McDonald's inside Wal-Mart and enjoyed an ice cream sundae snack together. Nothing's quite as fun as sitting across from my little man and watching him enjoy his cup of ice cream with a chocolate-smeared face and huge grin!

Next day was a lazy indoor day, staying in the air conditioned house, away from the oven outdoors. But that didn't stop Todd from helping Opa fix the front gate, and grabbing the lawnmower out of the shed and having a try at mowing the lawn all by himself! Here are the fruits of his labor:

Early morning

*yaawwnnn* Mommy was up way too early this morning!

I woke up a little before 7:00am, sleepily shuffled to the bathroom, and then back to the bedroom for another hour of sleep. I was jolted awake by the realization that Todd's crib was empty! In my sleepy haze, I wondered who had taken him out, and then realized that he'd awakened, rolled over, saw the empty bed, and got up and out of the crib by himself (as the gate was lowered and the crib butted up against the bed). I turned around and there was my brightly smiling little man running down the hallway, turtle and pillow in tow. Yeah... neither of us was gonna get more sleep after that. So we cuddled for a bit before heading to the kitchen for breakfast.

Reminds me of another cuddle episode earlier this week, during which I had to go to the bathroom, so I remarked: "Mommy has to go pee-pee. Do you have to go?"

His reply? "No.... Don't make pee-pee in your pajama pants!"

An admonishment which he's not only heard time and again from the grownups, but which he's started dishing out to us.... isn't that right, Daddy? :-D

Counting with Uncle Ron

I forgot to mention a cute episode between Todd and Uncle Ron during the BBQ on Aug 18.

Todd was eating a handful of Goldfish crackers, and Uncle Ron asked for some. The following ensued:

Uncle Ron: Can I have some?
Todd: (puts one in Uncle Ron's outstretched hand)
Uncle Ron: No, two!
Todd: (adds a second Goldfish)
Uncle Ron: No, three!
Todd: (adds a third Goldfish)
Uncle Ron: No, two!
Todd: (thinks a moment, and then takes a Goldfish out of Uncle Ron's hand)

Guess he foiled Uncle Ron's attempts to foil him ;-)

Boys will be boys!

Like all boys do, Todd was having a grand ol' time running around the house, swinging his noodle (the foam one for swimming) around and generally causing havoc. Oma warned him to stay out of the kitchen, as it was full of breakable things and other items that could hurt him! She then went into the sunroom to clean up a bit, and was startled by a terrific CRASH and the sight of Todd holding his chin and crying when she came running in. Broken shards lay scattered on the floor about him. Turns out he'd disobeyed Oma and poked his noodle at the kitchen lights, sending one of the panes crashing to the ground, and cutting him in the process-- he's now graced with a cut running from the bottom of his lower lip, diagonally across his chin. Typical boy!

Open/close the door!

Oma was bathing Ama-ama, who indignantly insisted that Todd close the bathroom door. Feeling contrary, Todd instead opened it wide. So, Oma decided to try a bit of reverse psychology. In her sternest voice, she commanded him: "Open the door!"

What do you think happened?

That's right-- Todd immediately shut the door! Mission accomplished! :-D

Toilet training update

It was another hot day and Todd was running around naked while Oma tried to feed him dinner. That's when she noticed a little brown thing on the floor, which looked suspiciously like a poopie. Examining Todd's butt, she found some more poopies smeared there. Surprised, she asked him "do you have to make poopies?" To which Todd replied: "I already did!"

He then proceeded to explain that he managed to climb onto the toilet ALL BY HIMSELF, do his business, flush the toilet, close the lid, and go on his merry way. And since he didn't need any help getting on and off the toilet, he didn't bother to tell a single soul that he had to go to the bathroom!

Our little man is growing more and more independent!

Tinkering with Toys

Todd had gotten a hold of Opa's screwdriver and was tinkering around with his spinning toy (the one where you sit on it and spin yourself around by rotating the wheel in the middle). It's not unusual for Todd to take his screwdriver to his toys and pretend he's fixing them, so nobody thought anything of it. Next thing I knew, a very surprised Opa sauntered into the kitchen from the bathroom, wondering what had happened on his way in through the living room. The toy lay in pieces-- Todd had managed to successfully remove all the screws in it-- all by himself! Handy little boy!


Mommy (checking up on a cut on Todd's head after a nasty bump a few days prior): How's your head, sweetie?

Toddy: It's lumpy!!

(and yes, he's got all sorts of permanent lumps on his head. Typical boy, after all! New nickname, methinks!)

Getting dressed

Today, Oma had to run to the pharmacy super-quick to pick up a prescription. She left a naked baby at home with Ama. When she returned, the little man was fully dressed! According to Ama-ama, he climbed up onto a chair and picked out his clothes: underwear, pants and shirt. He even managed to put on the underwear and pants by himself, and asked Ama-ama to help him put on the shirt!

Swimming Lessons

Todd's first successful swimming lesson today. Private, one-on-one, 30-minute instruction at a pool in Chatsworth. Unlike when he is with Oma or Mommy or Daddy, he didn't refuse to listen and did everything he was instructed to do! Learned to use the kickboard and noodle to stay afloat on his tummy and back, learned to kick, to walk around the pool, and even dunked his head into the water! Great strides in getting him used to, and unafraid of, the water!

Ventura County Fair

We didn't make it to the Ventura County Fair last weekend, so we went this weekend. It's about 40 miles south of Santa Barbara, so it made for a nice little day-long excursion. We started off with lunch at the mall in Ventura, where we could park for free and catch the free shuttle to the fair, rather than having to battle traffic and pay for parking AT the fairgrounds itself. The shuttles? Big yellow school buses, just like the kind Allan and I used to take when we were younger. Boy, did that bring back memories, and I tell ya-- the interior of the buses seemed a lot smaller than I remember :-P

Here are the two boys, one riding sky-high (literally!) as we make our way to the shuttle pickup point:

We didn't end up going on any rides or playing any games in the carnival section of the fair, but we did end up seeing all kinds of interesting exhibits, such as the art exhibit done by schoolchildren in the local area (some very impressive oil paintings from middle-school kids!), a show where we were regaled with a folk tale while a blacksmith churned out horseshoes to give away to 5 lucky audience members, and of course, a variety of animals, mostly farm animals. Todd got to see cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys, rabbits and goats, all up close and personal. Great way to personify all those animals he sings about in "Old McDonald" :-) Our favorite animal exhibit? Why, the turtles, of course! Todd really enjoyed seeing real turtles, some larger and some smaller than the stuffed turtle he carries around with him everywhere.

The last exhibit we visited was the fish aquarium, where Todd immediately spotted the clownfish in the tank near the entrance, and exclaimed: "Nemo!!"

We also stood by the sidelines as a group of Clydesdale horses came by on parade, pulling an old firetruck wagon. The wagon was complete with fireman and a Dalmation, very old-fashioned ;-) And it was the first time I'd ever seen Clydesdales up close, I knew they were big horses but didn't realize HOW large they were until I was standing about a dozen feet away from them!

For a break, we sat in the shade and enjoyed the strumming and singing of a bluegrass band called the Iron Mountain Boys. They had some CDs for sale, and also perform for hire at events, so we grabbed one of their fliers, as we enjoyed listening to them immensely.

And of course, what county fair would be complete without its share of vendors? We wandered through the showrooms, chock-full of all kinds of vendors, some demonstrating their products to interested onlookers. One of my favorites was the vendor who sold hand-made porch signs with creative designs and ways to display family names, such as "Barrett's Bar" or "Olsen's Outback". I thought something like "The Knight Castle" would be especially appropriate for when we get our own home in the future. But when I took a closer look at the already-made signs on display, I found that we already had a ready-made one on display:

Wonder if he would've given us a discount for buying the sign off the display rack instead of having to carve one out for us right then and there ;-)

We stopped off back at the mall for dinner at Red Robin before heading home, and enjoyed a lovely sunset (Todd remarked: "what's that red thing?", not realizing it was the sun in beautiful red and orange colors as it got ready to dip below the horizon and go to sleep) along the way.

All in all, a very fun family day :-)


I got an immense kick out of the above cartoon, taken from this week's "One Big Happy" comic strip.

Hey-- we have a bona fide Todd-ler!


Tail-less doggies

While watching a man walk his boxer (which, true to its breed, has a short tail), Todd wondered:

"Why is the doggie's tail so short?"

I hesitated, pondering how to tell him that the dog's tail had actually been CUT OFF by us ruthless humans. But before I could say anything, Todd figured it out:

"He's a small doggie. When he gets bigger, his tail will be long."

Can't do anything but agree with that kinder assessment! :-D

Who's the mature one?

This afternoon Todd and Daddy played baseball in the backyard while Mommy was cleaning up in the kitchen. She soon joined the boys and next thing we knew, it was Mommy and Daddy playing baseball while Todd got distracted by toys on the back patio. Bored, he decided to climb onto a chair and sit comfortably while watching his parents play.

And the look on his face! It read: "What are these kids doing? I'm waaaayyyy too mature for games like this. I'm just gonna sit her and keep an eye on them, make sure they stay out of trouble!"

Bonding in SB

Yesterday Todd and I enjoyed some good, quality mommy-son time together, letting Daddy work peacefully at home. We went shopping for swim trunks, hit Trader Joe's for groceries, ate lunch together at a Pick-Up-Stix, browsed the toy store next door, and stopped off at Border's before making our way back home to grab a bag and head for the wading pool at Oak Park.

It was a beautiful sunny day, and we enjoyed splashing around in the foot-deep pool and playing in the playground afterward.

Been a while since we've had a whole day all to ourselves, and what fun it was! :-)

Today was family day-- Todd helped Daddy wash his ash (from the nearby Zaca fire that's been burning this past few weeks), bird poop and tree tar covered car, and then the entire family trooped down to the pool. It was decidedly cooler, as clouds kept covering the sun, so our swim time was short-lived, but playground play wasn't :-D

Weekend Fun

Whew! Been remiss in updating this thing, but I guess I wasn't around much for many updates, anyway.

Last week I spent the majority of the nights in Santa Barbara, after work. Our former next-door neighbor was in town for several days and stayed at my parents' house. This meant they would occupy the room that Toddy and I sleep in, and Todd had to sleep in my mom's bed. Fortunately he stayed quiet and relatively immobile during the night.

The visit was also good for getting Todd acquainted with Mason, their 4-year-old son, and after some initially timidness, Todd soon grew bolder and started actively playing, running around the house screaming his head off (with Mason following suit), and generally just bouncing off the walls in hyper excitement. Not unlike his mother when she was that age and playing with her friends :-P

All last week, Oma took him to the local community pool for swimming lessons. And, again, just like Mommy, he was quite afraid of getting his head dunked in, and clung to Oma tighter than a leech. He was quite happy to use the "noodle" (those long styrofoam poles which resemble a giant, straight macaroni noodle) to stay afloat.

This week marked getting back to normal, and with Todd sleeping early and waking up early, it gives us time to cuddle in the morning for a few minutes before I have to get up and get ready for work. With the crib pressed right up against the side of the bed, it is easy enough for me to hold on to the railing, to keep it from moving while Todd climbs out and straight onto the bed. Nice little morning routine, and apparently Todd has gotten accustomed to it, as he holler and fusses and insists on "giving Mommy a kiss!" if I leave for work before he wakes up-- and Oma ends up having to call me so I can blow kisses over the phone. Not quite the same thing, but better than nothing.

Anyway, this morning, Todd noticed my morning breath and talked through his stuffed turtle. He made the turtle hold its nose and exclaim: "Pee-you! It stinks like a skunk!" I laughed and pointed out that it was my bad breath. This must have puzzled Todd, as he next made the turtle say: "No, Pao-pao's nose stinks!" while poking his own nose with the turtle's fin.

Woe to morning breath! And woe to the nose that must smell it! ;-P

Simpsons Fun

A bit of silliness from this website. Here's me, Allan and Todd as Simpsons characters:

That's supposed to be a five o'clock shadow on Daddy's face, but it ended up looking too Homer-like. D'oh!! And it was VERY hard to do babies and little kids, because there just wasn't enough variety of features. This was the best I could whip together. No crew cut, no big ears, just the trademark blue hooded sweatshirt.

And, for a bit of fun: Grandma and Grandpa :-D