Happy Halloween: Pirate Costume

We bought this costume on sale last year, and it fit perfectly this year! This is the costume Todd wore to our church's annual Harvest Party and on Halloween itself, where Daddy took him to the Calle Real shopping center after work to partake of local-shop-sponsored activities.

Cowboy Todd

We had a western-themed barbecue at church today, where the fun began with a chili cook-off, followed by a costume contest, baseball game, and line dancing. Here is Todd in his cowboy getup: checked shirt, bandana, sheriff's badge and straw hat (he actually has a REAL black felt cowboy hat we bought at the Lemon Festival last year, but he opted for the more comfortable straw one instead).

New School

This Fall, Todd began attending Santa Barbara Christian School. It is the most expensive out of all the private schools in SB, but he's got a really good teacher and some good classmates, so it's worth it.

We both like the fact that there are simply more kids to play with-- there are a total of 14 in his combined 3rd/4th grade class. Small enough for individualized attention, yet large enough for him to make a variety of friends. That way, if he befriends a kid that I feel is a bad influence and would prefer he didn't hang out with, he has other kids to play with instead. Unlike his old school, where it had dwindled down so much in size that the one "bad seed" was the only kid near his age! Todd enjoys it for the same reason-- more kids to have fun with! :-)

The kids are learning some good stuff this year. Aside from the usual language arts, math, social studies, science, art, music and library, the kids are also learning about real life. There is a class economy in place, whereby each kid holds a job that pays a weekly salary. Out of this salary, the kids must pay desk rent (unless they save up enough to "buy" their desks). Kids receive "tickets" for things like talking during class or not turning in homework. These tickets cost money, as well. On the flip side, kids can be rewarded for something especially well done, in the form of coupons that can later be redeemed for "cash". And at the end of the month, kids can redeem their cash for items in a store-- or save up for a really big item!

I think it's a really nifty way to teach kids about all sorts of things in real life: how to manage your money, how to save for a goal, feeling the effects of punishments, enjoying the effects of rewards and being responsible about doing their jobs and earning their "pay".

All in all, we're pleased with the school so far. Todd's learning some good things and making some good friends. Here's to a successful school year!

Summer updates

Long overdue in posting again! As always, Todd spent the summer in LA with Oma and Opa just one week after we moved into our new house. So he didn't get to enjoy it for very long before he had to go.

He spent his summer taking karate and swimming lessons, as well as learning piano and French at home.

We enjoyed a side trip to San Diego in July, taking in both Sea World and Legoland. Little did we realize just how much fun Legoland actually was-- even better than Disneyland, in my opinion. There was an endless array of things to see and do, and is the perfect place for kids, both physical and at heart :-) Next time we go, we're going to allot 2 days for the trip: 1/2 day to visit the Legoland water park (which is pretty small), and 1.5 days to see the rest of the sights and activities of the main park.

At the end of August, Todd returned to SB to start school, and so begins our routine again...