Big boys don't cry

Today at school Todd played with Gavin, an older kid he hangs out with frequently. As boys often do, their play got a bit too rough, and Gavin ended up shoving Todd, causing him to fall on his butt, and hit his head on the ground.

When I arrived to pick him up, he was still in tears, sitting with the teacher, who was holding a bag of ice to his head.

Now-- you know how resilient and "hard-headed" (in the literal sense!) Todd can be, so it must have been a pretty hard bump to cause him to cry!

Later on, after recapping the day's events, he pointed out his thoughts on head bumps:

"No, I'm a big boy now. I don't cry-- I use ice!"

What kind of ball?

Christmas is approaching. The newspapers are filled with full-page ads from department stores advertising holiday sales. Today I opened up the paper and perused the Macy's ad, where I spied the cutest collection of plush balls-- soccer, baseball, football, basketball (what can I say-- I'm a sucker for plush balls, especially soccer balls!)

I showed Todd the picture to see if he could identify the various sports, and he did, correctly. Then I asked which ones he liked.

"Baseball. And basketball.... and football!"

I asked: "Not soccer?"

"No, I don't like soccer. I fall down! When I'm bigger I play soccer."

Shark Sundays

Sundays at the aquarium at Santa Monica Pier involve presentations and feeding observation of the small sharks and stingrays swimming in the main tank.

The aquarium itself was a nice little spot tucked under the carousel at the pier. We played with the toys, read books, and got to see all kinds of small sea creatures, including a "petting zoo" with such animals as silky soft sea hares and hard, spiny starfish.

Todd's reaction when he touched the starfish?

"It's rough-- just like Daddy and Opa!"


Another low-key and pleasant Thanksgiving at Uncle Ron and Aunt Debbie's house. Todd was more interactive with the family. While he wasn't as talkative as he can get, he had no problem hanging out with the various family members without Mommy or Daddy present.

Uncle Ron and Aunt Debbie gave him a toy tool set, and he enjoyed digging into it and sharing "fixing" tasks with Grandma, Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron. He even used the opportunity to teach Uncle Ron how to count to 5 ;-)

He played baseball with Grandpa on the front lawn, and even had fun following Sammy around, in and out of the house!

And though he didn't talk much, he at least responded (sometimes with nods, sometimes at a near whisper) when asked questions directly. Let's see if he opens up a bit more by Christmas!

Here's Todd in his Pilgrim hat:


Todd, bravely and loudly, to his rowdy classmates as the teachers were trying to quiet everyone and round them up: "SSSSSHHHHHH!!!!" with finger to lips.

TV shows

Mommy and Daddy grew up on Sesame Street, 3-2-1 Contact, and Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Nowadays, the selection of children's TV shows, particularly educational ones, has expanded.

Among Todd's regularly-watched shows? Caillou, Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer and Go, Diego Go!

Caillou reminds me of Todd-- little bald boy playing imaginatively. I like Blue's Clues because-- well, it features a darling doggie! The interactive nature of it is fun too. But I think Dora and Diego top the interactivity factor, as well as the puzzle-solving nature of the show.

Today, as Todd was watching Diego, he proclaimed: "I think this is my favorite!"

I would have to agree-- as I said, I like the interaction and thinking factors of the show. But what I like best about it is the recap at the end-- a bit of comprehension testing to review what the kids have learned on the show. Plus-- it's all about rescuing animals-- and instilling a love for animals is definitely something I want for my son :-)

Using big words

... like a true lawyer! ;-)

After Daddy frustrated Mommy for the umpteenth time tonight with his usual smart-aleck mouth, Mommy let out a very aggravated "Aaaarrgghh!"

To which Todd wagged his finger at her with: "Don't say aaarrrggghh!"

Mommy tried defending herself: "But Daddy was consternating me!"

So Todd ran out to give Daddy a piece of his mind: "Stop consternating Mommy!" ... as if he knew what the word "consternate" even meant! I guess Mommy's thoroughly exasperated reaction told him everything he needed to know about the word :-D

Don't Go, Daddy!!

Yesterday Daddy had a meeting at 8pm to go to. I was showering Toddy and getting him ready for bed when Daddy started getting ready himself, and began bidding Todd good-bye. When he explained where he was going, Todd was puzzled at first:

"You don't go to meeting! It's late! The campus is closed!"

Daddy tried to explain that he had to go, which caused Todd to get very agitated and insist in tears:

"No! I won't let you go!!"

Of course, he quieted down a few seconds later, when Mommy popped a Dora tape into the VCR ;-)

One for each parent

As you can tell from the previous post, Todd has been learning not only to spell his first and last names, but also what first and last names actually ARE. He knows his, downpat. Daddy's is easy because he has the same last name. And Mommy? Well after learning Mommy's name, Todd soon realized that she doesn't share his or Daddy's last name.

So today, Todd remarked that he was a Knight just like Daddy, so there was one Knight child-- for Daddy! His next remark?

"We need another one (kid)! We need one more 'Kwee', for Mommy!"


Todd's latest masterpiece: he wrote his first AND last names-- ALL by himself! And then drew a person which I guess is supposed to be him :-D (click on the photo for a larger version-- apologies for the blurriness!)

Today Todd also accompanied Daddy to work and spent some time doodling on the dry-erase board. Daddy decided to teach him how to draw a turtle, and created this sample for Todd to follow:

So Todd diligently followed suit and created this cute little turtle sketch of his own. Note how his drawing actually looks more like a real turtle than Daddy's! ;-)

Turtle generosity

Geronimo the turtle is sitting next to me on the desk as I type this. No, I didn't steal him away from my unsuspecting son! To recap: the "rivalry" between Mommy and son for face time with Geronimo has reached legendary proportions. Hey, I can't help it-- that's a darn cute stuffed turtle!

Well, recently Todd started becoming more generous with Geronimo. He would give me the turtle and say "I'm giving you turtle because you like him, because he's so cute!"


On a side turtle-related note, I dressed Todd in a turtleneck sweater this morning. I explained what a turtleneck was, and agreed with his observation that turtles have turtlenecks as well-- by default. He mulled it over in his head while examining the stuffed turtle in his hands. His conclusion?

"If I have a shell, then I will be a turtle, too!"


Daddy's been nursing a cold this week, and so had to be careful not to spread germs. When Todd clamored to try some of Daddy's food, we had to explain why he couldn't-- Daddy was sick and if Todd ate from him, he'd get sick, too.

Well, tonight Mommy came down with a nasty headache. While she was waiting for the Tylenol to kick in, Todd warned Daddy to stay away:

"If Mommy touches your head, you will get a headache!"

Little workspace

Todd has really started to enjoy typing his name onto the computer. He knows how to spell "Todd Knight"! Here he is after setting up his own little workspace on his stepping stool seat, mimicking Mommy's desk, which always has her cup of tea on it:

Multiple Todds?

While browsing for children's books at the library, I came across a book with a title character named Todd-- pictured on the front. I mused to Toddy, "hey, look-- it's another Todd!" He examined the picture on the cover carefully and then declared:

"That's not Todd! He doesn't have Superman shoes!" (in reference to the Superman sneakers he wears all the time)

Caution Signs

Mommy and son enjoyed a nice day all to ourselves and made an excursion north of town to do some shopping. Because Santa Barbara possesses no large discount stores (like Wal-Mart-- the lone K-Mart we have is tiny and overpriced), large dollar-store chains (like Dollar Tree) or inexpensive grocery stores (like Food4Less), we ventured 46 miles north to Lompoc to hit all 3 such stores. Not only for groceries, but for all sorts of essential items-- cleaning supplies, school supplies, kitchen utensils, diapers, formula, personal hygiene items, etc... not only was the monetary savings well worth the trip, but it provided for a nice long day for just the 2 of us to hang out.

We left early in the morning, as we were both up before 8:00. Out of the door before 9:00, had a 2nd breakfast once we arrived, shopped, browsed the toy aisles, had lunch, and even had fun perusing a Sears appliance shop (where my original goal was to find a bathroom to use before we headed home)-- looking at mattresses, vacuum cleaners, and stoves and fridges, trying to find the ones that matched what Opa and Oma had in their kitchen at home. Anyway, we didn't get home until nearly 4pm. Now THAT's a day trip!

Now, the funny little gem of the day occurred at bathtime. Todd slipped on the wet bathtub and landed square on his butt. When he got up, I seized the opportunity to explain further to him what the yellow "slippery when wet" caution cone meant-- the one we saw at McDonald's during lunch. There, I explained the hazards of wet floors and likelihood of slipping and falling. Now that Todd had exemplified that principle in the bathtub, I decided to hammer it home by reiterating the "slippery when wet" concept.

Todd's observation? "How come there's no (warning) sign in here (the bathtub)?"

Another new friend

Todd made another new friend today! He was clamoring to go out into the backyard, and Mommy decided to use the opportunity to sweep up and clean the back patio, which hadn't been touched since the winds blew ash from the Zaca fire into our neck of the woods a few weeks ago.

As soon as we bundled up and stepped outside, we saw a couple of our neighbors wandering about and playing in the communal backyard. One of the kids was a little girl about Todd's age, and not as reticent ;-)

It took a while, but before long Todd warmed to her and they began conversing and playing! She then led him to her back porch, where a sandbox and plethora of toys awaited the kids. I sat outside on our back patio to do some reading while keeping an eye on the kids happily playing. I could hear Todd excitedly chatter away with his new friend. They enjoyed playing for an hour before calling it a day. I was quite pleased to see Todd come out of his shell a bit. He doesn't get to play with many kids his age very often, after all. And more so, kids his age who aren't too aggressive!

Community Fair

Mass updates posted today-- be sure to scroll down the blog to read all of them! ;-)

Today we went to a fair at the neighboring family student housing complex-- near where we used to live before downgrading to our current smaller apartment. It was designed to showcase some of the community services-- such as the fire and police departments, a local church, pre-school for student families, and the like. There was free food-- popcorn, lemonade, pizza, salad and PBJ sandwiches.

Todd enjoyed seeing the police car and firetruck (though I suspect Daddy enjoyed them more than Todd), and even got stickers in the shape of badges-- he was an honorary policeman and junior fireman that day :) You can see the stickers on his sweater in this photo taken at the adjacent playground (which he also made a beeline for):

We got to watch men dressed as knights do some jousting with fake swords-- much like what you see on Monty Python ;-) We enjoyed a free lunch of pizza and lemonade in the shade. And we topped off the day with some sidewalk art-- there was a bucket full of jumbo chalk next to one of the booths, with an invitation to do some chalk drawings on the pavement. Todd elected to write his name out, both in all-uppercase and all-lowercase. Here's the fruits of his labors:

And here is Mommy's trademark happy face that adorns most of her letters/cards... started back in junior high!