Halloween 2009

Little man dressed as a pumpkin for Halloween. That makes... the 3rd time in the 6 Halloweens he's lived through ;-)

We were in Sylmar for the weekend, and so Todd got to go trick-or-treating in the same neighborhood Mommy used to go around when she was little. As luck would have it, little Johnny (now 3) was getting ready to go out with his mom and grandma, and so the 5 of us trooped around the neighborhood. Todd was excited to have a little friend accompany him, and it emboldened him to go up steps and ring doorbells by himself. It was great for Mommy to see old, familiar faces in the neighborhood, and catch up with some of them. Todd's first trick-or-treat adventure was a success! :-D

Progress report

Met with Todd's teacher today for a progress report. He's doing fine in all areas. His reading is doing especially well. She tested him up until 5th grade, and he was still able to read well at that level. Not only his sight-reading but his phonics were good, too, enabling him to sound out unfamiliar words. So far so good!

Why is it funny?

Todd said something VERY cute today. What exactly, I don't remember. But I remember thinking it was so cute, I laughed heartily. Aloud. So Todd, in all seriousness, queried: "Why is that funny?"

When I explained that I thought what he said was cute, he pressed on: "Well, why do you laugh when it's cute!?"

...I had no answer!

Age timeline

Todd's class assignment entailed him taking a sheet of paper that had a row of ages written down, and to indicate what he was doing at those ages. A timeline of his life, if you will. This is what Todd had to say about the various stages of his life:

0 - 2: I was a baby
3 :I was a little boy
4 : I started kindergarten
5 : I started first grade