Creative thinking

One morning a couple weeks ago, Todd discovered bugs on the ceiling-- large dragonflies resting there. Since we maintained that the apex of the ceiling (at 14 feet) was too high to reach, Todd put his thinking cap on and then proceeded to find a broom and attempt to scrape them off. But the broom wouldn't reach! So he dragged a chair from the kitchen and climbed on it. Here are the fruits of his labor:

Todd also loves to express his creativity in other, more artsy ways. You know-- the usually crayon/marker/pen/pencil on paper endeavor. But sometimes it's not just limited to paper. Observe the hallowed walls of my parents' house. Not a single room has escaped Todd's touch, and these pics are but small examples of his, um, work. The clock on top, and socket outlet on the bottom, should give you some idea of just how widely these scribbles span (almost the entire wall!):

And this is a drawing of a person: note the large face, and arms and legs protruding out in the right places:


hoveshouseofhounds said...

Like father ~ like son, only his Dad picked his sister's room to decorate with his art while his walls stayed fresh.

HK said...

Hahaha, I WISH Todd kept his artwork to just one room. We're hard-pressed to find an unblemished wall in the entire house!