Bedwetting Updates

By the time Todd left SB for LA this summer, he'd been on the bedwetting alarm for 4 straight months. While most people reported that their kids showed marked improvement after only a few weeks, and the longest was just a couple of months, I was confident that we should have this nipped in the bud before he went to Oma and Opa's house for summer.

Alas, I was wrong.

I kept careful record of how each night went, and after a while, it was the same ol' pattern: gets wet after a couple of hours, alarm goes off, change everything (sometimes, even the sheets). Sometimes it would go off in the middle of the night afterward, but most of the time, I'd simply get him up along with me when I got up to do my own "midnight bathroom shuffle" at around 4-5am.

During the summer it was the same story. My mom would have to get him up or change him before she went to bed (usually a few hours after he fell asleep), and then my dad would get him up again in the morning (Dad usually wakes up around 4:30am).

It wasn't until the end of summer that he finally started going longer stretches between wetting episodes. We weren't sure if it was because he was getting older and finally outgrowing the bedwetting, and staying dry longer, or if it was because it was so hot that he was losing more liquids to sweat, thereby slowing the accumulation of liquid in his bladder?

He's been home a few days now, and so far the pattern has been fine-- in bed by 9pm, I manually drag him out to the toilet before I go to bed (around 11:30pm -- midnight), and then up again when I get up at 4-5am to use the bathroom myself. So far it's working out fine, and we haven't had any wetting incidents. But we shall see what happens over the weekend, when I might just let him go without getting him up myself, to see what time the alarm goes off. More adventures in potty training!