Greediness doesn't pay

This weekend we checked out more Veggie Tales videos from the library. This time we got the episode with Madam Blueberry, about a wealthy bery who was still unhappy despite having tons of stuff, plenty of food, a nice house, and good friends. She learned that having a thankful heart is what makes you truly happy, not greediness for more stuff.

As we got ready for bed, Todd and I talked about the episode. I tried to put it in the context of his own life, given that he's like Madam Blueberry in "wealth"-- a family who loves him very much, a warm bed, good food, and plenty of toys. Since Madam Blueberry coveted stuff that her wealthy neighbors had, believing it would make her happy, I asked Todd what he would do if, say, a friend of his had a huge birthday cake. Would he then in turn want an even bigger one for his upcoming birthday?

"No" came the response. Good. Then he elaborated:

"I'll just have a regular cake and be thankful for that. (Besides,) I don't WANT a big cake-- that's too much cake!"