Long-awaited updates

At long last (and just in the nick of time-- 2009 is just about over!) I've managed to update this blog, with 17 (that's right, SEVENTEEN) new posts, not including this one. I'll have to strive to do better at keeping this up, alongside my regular blog.

In between all the activities I've written about, Todd's made steady progress with his reading (where not just the reading but even (and more importantly so) the comprehension is at an advanced level) and we visit the library nearly every week to pick up a stack of books to tide him over for a week.

His karate got off to a bit of a slow start in the fall. Although he practiced his moves well over the summer, he didn't practice his kata, so it took some time for him to get back into it. He's learned the 2nd kata as well, and is starting to master it.

His intensive swim lessons over the summer have vastly improved his skills. Oma had him in a variety of group and private lessons at various facilities, and the constant practice helped a lot.

When he returned to SB, I enrolled him in private lessons twice a week, where he was able to refine his strokes and improve his endurance. In January I'm going to try to put him in group lessons once more, at the YMCA, to see if being around more advanced kids will help propel his motivation to improve himself, esp since he seems to be stagnating a little with the private lessons.

Well, I think that about concludes the updates for now. Whew! Sorry about the long delay. Don't forget to scroll down... FAR down, for all the updates since my last post on June 15! :-)

No library card

Todd spied a sign in one of the LA libraries, saying that kids under 5 could get a special card, with parental permission, of course. So Oma took him there the next day to sign up. Alas, since she is his grandparent and not his parent, they wouldn't let her sign up for a card for him. They were quite firm on this, and Todd went home sad and dejected.

After pitching his usual crying fit, he settled down and wrote a note:

Dear Oma and Opa,
I am sad. I don't feel like doing anything today.

Well, that's a step up from noisy tantrums, isn't it? Pouting on paper... ;-)

Merry Christmas 2009

Yay, we got to go to Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron's house! Todd was excited. Everytime we go there, he makes improvements in his sociability, and his timidness decreases. He now has no problem going outside into the backyard by himself, even if neither Allan nor I are there to accompany him.

He had TONS of fun playing with Uncle Ron! I think he had more fun with Uncle Ron than with Daddy, and Uncle Ron was always his first choice for playing with his new toys together. He'd eagerly seek him out and call out, loudly: "Uncle Ron! Let's build something else" (ref: his new erector set).

Todd even enjoyed teasing Uncle Ron, much to Aunt Debbie's delight ;-) And of course, once egged on, Todd ramped it up even more!

What fun to see Todd eagerly interact with Allan's family, unafraid. Christmases just keep getting better :-)

More on reading

Todd is continuing to read while in LA. Oma's also working on his handwriting, as it's pretty messy, still.

He's gotten into the habit now of reading quietly to himself in bed while Oma showered. The book? A children's Bible. But not the preschool Bible that he used to read. This one is a book with much smaller print encompassing larger pages, and with fewer pictures between each chapter. It's a book meant for kids around 8 years old or so.

And when Oma told me this, pointing out it wasn't something you normally give 5-year-olds, Todd piped up with a reason why it was okay to give it to him:

"I'm five and a half!"

In this photo, Todd reads to a bevy of stuffed animals in bed:

Promotions and Christmas Concert

Last week Todd tested for his yellow belt. He had to learn not only his moves, but answer questions as well. The test went well, and today he got promoted to yellow belt!

That same evening was his school's Christmas concert, where he and his classmates plunked out two or three notes on the keyboards, and sang various Christmas tunes, including "Santa Claus is Coming To Town"... in Latin! Now there's a neat twist!

Leaving notes

Now that Todd can read, we've found that it's convenient to leave notes for him to read in the morning, when he gets up and we might still be asleep. One time, I left a note on Daddy's door instructing Todd not to wake him (Daddy had gone to bed late the night before). He read it, and waited patiently for Daddy to get up :-)

The next night, Todd wanted to sleep in that room, and wrote a note for Daddy saying, "please don't wake me up. But you can come in quietly"

Another time, I set out cereal and water on the table for him to help himself when he got up. To make sure he saw it, I left a note on our door reminding him of what was on the table, the one he would have to go through to go into the living room. I also added bright colors on it to attract attention. Sure enough, when I got up, he had eaten his breakfast, taken his vitamins, and drunk his water.

Yet another time, I packed a corn dog into his lunch bag. Knowing he'd eat it more easily with ketchup, I included a small tupperware dish of ketchup. However, I was afraid that he wouldn't close the lid tight enough after lunch, thereby making the leftover ketchup spill into his bag, so I left a note on the lid of the dish, asking him to make sure he closed it tight when he was done. And sure enough, he did!

It's so handy being able to leave notes for the little man!

Holiday parade

The annual holiday parade! All the kids in Todd's karate class dressed up in white uniforms and Santa hats and paraded down State Street. This was the first time I'd ever been to the parade. I made sure Todd was dressed warmly in thermals, long-sleeve shirt, vest, 2 pairs of socks and gloves all under his uniform. I dressed in a South Coast Karate sweatshirt and Santa hat and helped man the lines. As luck would have it, Todd wound up in the very first line, right behind our banner. And he was at the very far end of the line, too, enabling me to hold his hand and keep him company and guide him (mostly fixing his hat along the route!) as we made our way down the street.

We kept nice and warm with all the walking, and the kids wowed the crowd whenever we stopped and performed synchronized karate moves (katas) for the audiences :-)

Can't wait for next year!

Thanksgiving weekend

Todd was disappointed that we didn't get to go Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron's house for Thanksgiving this year. He was really looking forward to seeing everyone, especially Grandpa. I guess he still remembered how much they'd bonded during their Oklahoma trip earlier this year!

On Saturday, though, Oma and Opa came up to Santa Barbara, and we had lunch together, as well as visited the sights downtown a bit.

Here we are at the top of the Courthouse, overlooking a gorgeous view of Santa Barbara, the mountains and the ocean all around us:

And here we are in the Sunken Gardens of the Courthouse. As you can see in the last photo, the little man was weary of having his photo taken. At least he moved his hands enough so that his face was uncovered when Opa snapped this picture!

Literal answers

Mommy was planning to go somewhere today, and, knowing that Daddy knew where it was, she asked him: "How do I get there?"

But before Daddy could answer, Todd piped up with a very legitimate answer:

"You walk downstairs and then (get in the car and) drive there!"

He is his father's son, indeed :-P

Halloween 2009

Little man dressed as a pumpkin for Halloween. That makes... the 3rd time in the 6 Halloweens he's lived through ;-)

We were in Sylmar for the weekend, and so Todd got to go trick-or-treating in the same neighborhood Mommy used to go around when she was little. As luck would have it, little Johnny (now 3) was getting ready to go out with his mom and grandma, and so the 5 of us trooped around the neighborhood. Todd was excited to have a little friend accompany him, and it emboldened him to go up steps and ring doorbells by himself. It was great for Mommy to see old, familiar faces in the neighborhood, and catch up with some of them. Todd's first trick-or-treat adventure was a success! :-D

Progress report

Met with Todd's teacher today for a progress report. He's doing fine in all areas. His reading is doing especially well. She tested him up until 5th grade, and he was still able to read well at that level. Not only his sight-reading but his phonics were good, too, enabling him to sound out unfamiliar words. So far so good!

Why is it funny?

Todd said something VERY cute today. What exactly, I don't remember. But I remember thinking it was so cute, I laughed heartily. Aloud. So Todd, in all seriousness, queried: "Why is that funny?"

When I explained that I thought what he said was cute, he pressed on: "Well, why do you laugh when it's cute!?"

...I had no answer!

Age timeline

Todd's class assignment entailed him taking a sheet of paper that had a row of ages written down, and to indicate what he was doing at those ages. A timeline of his life, if you will. This is what Todd had to say about the various stages of his life:

0 - 2: I was a baby
3 :I was a little boy
4 : I started kindergarten
5 : I started first grade

Making lists

Todd's class read the "Frog and Toad" story in which Toad makes a list of things to do that day. Inspired by the story, the kids set about creating lists of their own. Todd's list contained things like

Eat barkfust
Take callium (calcium)
Play on the conputer
Read stories to my mom

etc... all of it written by himself, with very little spelling help!

Since then, he's had fun making lists at home, too!

Class photos, 2009

School has started. Todd is in first grade. It's a combined 1st/2nd grade class, so it's relatively "large".

My, how he has grown:

Here he is with his classmates:

And with the rest of the school:

You hurt my feelings more!

Talked to little man on the phone, where he at first refused to talk to me, because he was acting up a little. When he finally came onto the phone, reluctantly and sniffling, he explained that he was upset because Opa got mad at him for disobeying. As he put it: "Opa hurt my feelings!"

I tried to explain that disobeying Opa hurt his feelings, too.

Todd's response? "But Opa hurt my feelings MORE!"


Oklahoma visit

Todd accompanied Daddy and Grandpa on a trip to Oklahoma to see Uncle Barry & family, and Uncle Wayne. Daddy's favorite part of the trip? When Todd and Grandpa went to the airport restroom by themselves, and came back out holding hands. Todd's favorite part? Fishing! And the part in the airplane where Grandpa, in the window seat, turned the tables on Todd and declared the window off-limits, as he was now the one in charge of it ;-) Fun times for 3 generations of Knight men!

Todd rides a bike

Todd got a bicycle from Oma and Opa for his 5th birthday. Here's a couple shots of him taking it for a spin on their driveway:

Annual checkup

Updates in droves yet again! Be sure to scroll all the way down for the latest.

Took today off work to take Todd to the doctor for his annual exam. Here are his current height/weight stats:

46 inches tall -- almost 4 feet!?!?
44 pounds

He got his hearing and vision tested and passed with flying colors. Then came the hard part-- receiving FOUR shots and then getting blood drawn. Todd was NOT a happy camper after the 2nd shot, and was definitely unhappy about getting blood drawn, but as soon as the needle was in, he realized it didn't hurt and he stopped crying, watching the blood flow through the tube in fascination. Whew! Glad we survived that ordeal!

Last day of school!

Wow. Todd is officially done with kindergarten. When he returns to school he shall be in first grade-- the first of the numbered grade levels. In other words, he's really in REAL school now. Hard to believe this school year is over-- where did the time go!?

Last night was Celebratio, the end-of-year school assembly and celebration. The classes performed various pieces of music and drama, and then awards were handed out-- Todd got one for excellence in Language Arts.

Today the kids went to Zodo's for some fun bowling action before getting dismissed at noon, whereupon everyone trooped to Goleta Beach for a barbecue. Todd enjoyed playing in the sand with the other kids, and before we knew it-- the school year was officially over! One final private karate lesson and then it was off to Oma and Opa's house for the summer!

Testing and another promotion

Tonight was a busy night-- Todd skipped his swim lesson in order to attend testing for karate during the same time. He and the rest of the young students participated in a series of kicks, punches and katas as a group, and at the end they received their promotions.

Now, typically the testing takes place one week and the promotions the following week, but this week everything was compressed, because the testing that should've taken place last week was postponed due to graduation.

In terms of the promotion: for many it meant an extra stripe on their belt, and for some it meant the next color belt. Todd received his third stripe, which means that, after some more training, he's eligible to test for the yellow belt. Hopefully this summer's karate classes in LA will prepare him for that when he returns to SB :-)

Student of the month

Guess who's the karate student of the month for June 2009? Here's the images for the newsletter (click for full-size images). You can also read the same article on the South Coast Karate blog:

Happy 5th Birthday, part 3

Whew! Didn't think there'd be THREE celebrations for little man, eh? This afternoon, after the tournament, we held Todd's birthday party at the apartment complex. We had the little personal celebration on the day of, the family celebration last week at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron's, and then today-- the celebration with his friends from school, plus a couple other kids. Only two kids wound up RSVPing, and then one of them got sick the day of and couldn't come. So it ended up being Ginny and her little brother. Todd didn't seem to notice or mind, though, and the kids had lots of fun. Thankfully the toys that Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron gave him last week came in handy! 3-D chalk (which worked even better than before!) and bubbles provided lots of entertainment.

Here's Todd with a finished Lite Brite picture-- the Lite Brite was one of his birthday presents.

Karate Tournament

Tournament in Carpinteria this morning. Got up early and had a hearty breakfast :-9 Kids could compete in 3 categories: Kata, Sparring and Padded Weapons. Since Todd hasn't learned the latter 2 yet, we only signed him up for Kata. He won 3rd place in his age/belt group, which actually isn't saying much, as there were only 4 kids in his group ;-) Here's some pictures from the event:

Happy 5th Birthday, part 2

Whew! Updates in droves yet again! Added some more posts which are back-dated and interspersed through ones I'd written previously, so be sure to scroll down and catch all the latest :-)

Had Todd's second celebration for his 5th birthday today. Drove down to LA to celebrate with the family at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron's house. The day was hot and Todd squealed with delight as he engaged in water gun fights with everyone. At one point, as Aunt Debbie was distracted fending off attacks from Uncle Ron, Todd snuck up behind her with his little water pistol, and got her in the back! Now THAT's what I call a sneak attack! ;-)

He enjoyed playing with bubbles and doodling on the patio with 3-D sidewalk chalk, and had a great time building a helicopter with Uncle Ron and Aunt Debbie out of one of his presents-- a junior erector set.

It was great to see him open up a bit more and interact with Allan's family. He's been coming out of his shell a little bit at a time, but this visit brought about the most changes-- this time he wasn't as shy or hesitant about talking to them and actively engaging in conversation as he played. Let's hope there are more strides in the visits to come!

Now... on to the final celebration with the kiddies next week... more when that event happens!

I Madonnari

Today was the first time I'd ever been to the annual I Madonnari Festival in Santa Barbara. This time I actually had a twofold incentive to go: Todd's karate school had a square, and so did Citrix Online. Todd and I went there after his karate lesson, and wandered around, enjoying the fruits of the chalk painters on their hands and knees, hard at work, till we finally found the karate square tucked away in the back-- and shade!

We ate a lunch of pizza and a snow cone, and then went back to the karate square so Todd could draw. Here are some shots of him in action: he basically traced and colored his hand, and then colored the surrounding background black. Notice how everyone else, being right-handed, traced their left hands. Sensei challenged Todd to trace his right hand instead-- and he did it! Not bad, even if it does look like a baseball mitt ;-) Here's a few shots of Todd in action:

Froggy costume

Today was the read-in at school, culminating several week's worth of intensive reading. Parents came to the school and helped read to the classes. Daddy read to the kindergartners in the morning, and Mommy read to them in the afternoon. We each had a theme.

Daddy chose the "Froggy" theme, based on the Froggy series by Jonathan London. Mommy chose a turtle theme, and brought Pistachio along as a prop. The kids even got to pass him around and hug and kiss him! Lots of love for the stuffed sea turtle today :-)

Everyone was allowed to dress up as his/her favorite book character, so I made a makeshift costume for Todd out of a paper plate mask and a green t-shirt: Froggy!

Here's the mask I slaved over the day before the read-in (I'm only exaggerating slightly-- I'm not the artsy/crafty type!) some paper plates and green acrylic paint, plus made use of leftover pink felt from my rat ears and black nail polish from my Black Death carrier costume :-)

And here is Todd wearing the mask, along with a green t-shirt (a perfect find at the craft store!) that I got in a too-large size, so he'll have time to use it as he grows into it :-) I added the name label for added recognizability, knowing that he'd take the mask off as soon as he got into the classroom.

Happy 5th Birthday, part 1

With 3 celebrations this year, I figure I'll be blogging a multi-part series. Little nugget from this morning:

When Daddy took Todd to school, Loftur greeted his friend with an enthusiastic "Happy Birthday!" and a big hug. A hug which.... kept.... going...

... after a long while and no sign of disentanglement, Todd finally piped up, in a matter-of-fact tone: "Um... why are you still hugging me?"

Happy Birthday, little man. I can hardly believe you're 5 years old. You're not a tiny tot or even toddler anymore. You're a bona fide kid... making the transition from little kid to big kid! Where does the time go!?

Plans for the rest of the day:
Cupcakes to share with all the other kids at school (and I mean the whole school) at lunchtime, and then an evening of dinner and bowling at Zodo's, with Loftur. More updates later, as they happen!

White Belt, 2nd class

I put in for Todd's promotion-- had to fill out a form and have Todd's teacher sign off on it, vouching for his good performance in school. Monday he was awarded his 2nd stripe! He is now a White Belt, 2nd class. Just one more stripe to go, and he'll be able to test for his Yellow Belt, after some more training, of course :-)

Next day, Sensei visited Todd's school and taught the lower school kids about bullying: how to spot it, and what to do about it. The kids really enjoyed his presentation, hopefully he'll be back to the school again soon to teach some of his other safety classes!

Strawberry Festival

Whew! Updates in droves again. I really should update this thing as soon as the events in question happen, otherwise I'm liable to forget details or funny incidents themselves... it's been a crazy busy month!

Took Todd to the Strawberry Festival in Oxnard. I'd been wanting to go for the past 7 years, but every year, something always came up and I couldn't go... this year I was bound and determined to take my little man there before he outgrew the rides.

We arrived in the morning and had a TON of fun. The crowds hadn't grown yet, so there were virtually no lines for many of the kiddie rides. We ate strawberry pizza and strawberry crepes for lunch. When I suggested we go to the sinks to hose him down after a messy lunch, he said "Don't hose me down! Just wipe me off!" We waited an hour in line to ride the Strawberry "teacup" rides, which we spun so fast that I stumbled out of the ride, dizzy as all heck. We shared a strawberry smoothie while we rested. We met some of our small group friends and chatted a bit, and wrapped up the visit with a gift purchase for daddy: a whimsical adult-sized bib! :-)

Did a bit of shopping at Wal-Mart and Fry's (since we're in the area, why not!) and then went home, exhausted but satisfied.

Another fun Mommy-son outing. I collapsed into bed when we got home that evening, and let Daddy take over the nighttime kiddie chores, but it was so worth it. Nothing quite like seeing my little man giggle with glee as he enjoyed a ride or dug into some yummy strawberry treats :-9

I took lots of pictures but haven't had time to get them off my camera and post them yet... soon, soon!

Crazy Hair Day, 2

More popular than we thought! Remember Todd's crazy hair day from preschool?

Faux-hawks, obviously, are the easiest thing to do-- minimal fuss and mess. A little harder to do with shorter hair (as evidenced in the preschool photos), yet we discovered that if your hair is too long, that is also difficult. We only had mousse and hairspray on hand, I believe if we'd had good ol' hair gel, the faux-hawk would've stayed better. Ah well, here's some shots in the morning, before trotting off to school:

Who cooks around here?

Todd: Mommy, how come Daddy always cooks?
Mommy: Because he's better at it than I am.
Todd: You mean you haven't learned how to cook yet!?

I couldn't answer through my fits of laughter. Nor could I really explain how Daddy and I had made a deal before marriage: he cooks, I clean the kitchen afterward. Funny thing is, he never asks Oma why she cooks, despite the fact that Opa indeed never cooks, either.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day started out without Daddy because he had to go to church early to help set up (because of the fires, our church had been in the evacuation zone, so he helped lug sound and lighting equipment to a nearby movie theater, where we held services). Todd woke up before Mommy did, went out to fix himself breakfast (he's been doing that lately-- getting up on his own, grabbing a bowl and spoon, pouring cereal in, and pouring milk in the bowl... all by himself!

When Mommy came out of the bedroom and crawled back into "bed" on the futon, Todd was pleased that I was still technically "in bed" so he could serve me breakfast in bed. He poured a bowl of cereal for me, stuck a spoon in it, and brought it to the bed (I asked him not to put milk in it, for fear he'd spill it while bringing the bowl to me). How sweet! Toddy got to fix his first EVER Mother's Day breakfast in bed-- and without any help from Daddy! :-)

Birthday errands

Mommy celebrated her 32nd birthday with a very fun little Mommy-son outing. Okay, it was really only a shopping trip-- and even then, shopping for necessities, not fun stuff. Still, it's always enjoyable to spend a whole day with just my little man. Also gave Daddy quiet time at home to work. Now that gas prices have dropped, it's once again worth it to make the 40-mile drive up to Lompoc to stock up on a few weeks' worth of groceries and other essentials that are much more expensive in Santa Barbara, with its lack of Wal-Mart, Target, dollar stores and discount supermarkets.

So we trekked up north and proceeded to spend the next 6 hours hoofing it from store to store and filling the trunk of my car to the brim with groceries, birthday party supplies, and other essentials. Todd even picked out a Mother's Day card for me all by himself!

It was a long day, but a really nice treat to spend some time with my little man. Now THAT's a birthday present :-)


Not long after Todd was born, we took to nicknaming him "Toddzilla" at times. Partly because he was taller than average, but mostly because it was fun to wave the little couple-months-old tyke at each other, saying "Rawr! I'm Toddzilla!" :-D

Fast forward a few years later, when Todd's current favorite TV show (not that we watch it on TV, we only get the videotapes of individual episodes from the library) is Veggie Tales.

We often break out into the entire theme song at random-- while showering, while cleaning, in the car... he's even been known to join in with his kindergarten classmates when they spontaneously begin singing it, as well.

Tonight, he suddenly remembered a song from one of the episodes we watched last month. Here it is:

Only... instead of saying "Godzilla", Todd kept singing "Toddzilla", apparently unaware of the existence of said Godzilla, and no doubt influenced by years of Mommy and Daddy calling him "Toddzilla". When he watched the above video, he realized, "Oh! It's GODzilla"... but of course, Mommy kept insisting that we sing the much-cuter "Toddzilla" instead :-D

Watching a movie at work

Another Friday, another day at work with Daddy... here's Todd wearing daddy's headphones while watching a movie. They're too big for his head! Then again, I guess his ears are big enough to hold them in place, eh? He is, after all, his father's son...

Excuses don't fly

I think Todd's finally learning that Mommy and Daddy are wise to his excuses ;-) We always seem to rebuff him with the same thing, for example, if he complains he's too full to finish his dinner (in the hopes that he can skip the rest of it and go straight to dessert), we'll point out that if he's full then he's too full to eat dessert. He usually relents ;-)

Then there was last night:

Todd wanted to get on the computer and play a game with Daddy, so Daddy instructed him to turn it on while he wrapped up what he was currently doing and joined him. Not feeling like it, Todd asked Daddy to turn it on for him.

"Are you feeling lazy?" asked Daddy.

"No, I... oh. I was going to say I'm too tired, but that would mean I have to go to sleep!" Todd replied, as he turned on the computer.

He pre-empted us! How about that!

Are you asleep?

It's 10:15pm and Todd STILL isn't asleep. Usually he's out by 9pm, but this afternoon, while Mommy and Daddy were trying to catch a few winks of sleep after a busy morning, the little man decided to join us and promptly fell asleep. The nap wasn't very long-- only about a half hour or so, and he was awake by 4pm. Alas, that proved to be enough to recharge him well into the night so far, and despite putting him to bed on time and turning off the lights by 9pm, he's STILL awake.

I just checked in on him to see if he was asleep yet. His eyes were shut and he was lying motionless, but his face was pinched, not relaxed. Looked totally unnatural. I was certain he was still awake. But just in case he really WAS asleep, I leaned over him and whispered "Are you still awake?"

He vehemently shook his head.

What could I do but make a hasty retreat out of the bedroom, giggle, and then blog about it? :-)

That's rude!

As allluded to in this post, Todd's apparently been setting the example for the other kids at school.

This story took place a few weeks ago, when I ate lunch with Todd at school. One of his classmates, Ginny, was horsing around while we ate. She started poking me and I looked at her and said calmly: "Is that a nice thing to do?"

She stopped and then went to the other side of the table, where Todd was sitting, and began poking him. In his best Mommy imitation, he stopped eating, gave her a pointed look, and said: "Is that a nice thing to do?"

Ginny then tried to convince Todd to come with her to one of the older boys (6th/7th grade) so they could tug on his shirt. Todd refused, explaning: "That's rude!!"


Karate sticker

As promised from this post, here's a shot of Todd proudly displaying his karate sticker (click on image for larger version):

I KNOW you like turtles

Todd and I were flipping through a story about a boy who visited a pet shop in search of the perfect pet. Along the pages, the boy examined each creature in the pet shop-- fish, birds, rabbits, turtles, cats, dogs... when we got to the page where the boy was looking at the cute little baby turtles, I squealed and exclaimed: "Oh, look! Turtles!!"

I could swear Todd rolled his eyes (at least inwardly) as he impatiently continued flipping the pages and said:

"Yeah, yeah, I know *you* like turtles!"


Don't pick me up!

You can always tell when Todd's out of town by the length of time between updates. He's spent the past 2 weeks with Oma and Opa for Spring Break plus an extra week off :-) At first he was reluctant to go to LA. But he quickly warmed to the idea, especially after I promised I'd install "Professor Fizzwizzle" on their computer.

Then yesterday at work I receive the following call:

Ring, ring
Mommy: Hello?
Todd: Mommy, don't pick me up tomorrow!
Mommy: Why not!?
Todd: Because... it's funner here!
Mommy: How come?
Todd: Uh... ummm... *silence*

I guess it's just one of those things that's too difficult to put into words, eh ;-)

If he calls again today with the same spiel, perhaps I should tell him that he has a letter from Grandma waiting for him ;-)

Hidden letters

Todd likes picking up the mail every evening on our way home. It's part of his daily chore assignment, and we mark it on his "good deeds" sheet for karate class. He also likes examining the mailing labels on letters and packages, and then divvying up the mail according to recipient (a belated THANK YOU to Grandma for sending those letters to him-- it really makes his day, and he is so excited when he sees that the something is addressed to him! He especially likes the personal letters, and asks us to read it for him as soon as he opens the envelope)

Today, there was only one letter (amongst the usual advertisements) and it was addressed to "Allan H. Knight". Todd read: "Allan H. Knight. It's for Daddy. The 'H' stands for Harvey!"

Thinking I would try to trick him a bit, I asked him: "Do you have an 'H' in your name?", fully expecting him to say no.

Instead, he thought for a few seconds, and then piped up, "Yes!"

I asked him where.

He was not to be fooled, for he replied: "In 'Knight'!"

More karate excellence

Last week Todd got a sticker for good behavior. Today he got a stripe on his white karate belt! Stripes, it seems, are sort of in-between levels between each color belt. One girl who is Todd's age and has been taking lessons for a year, has 4 stripes on her white belt and is testing for her yellow belt promotion this month. So it's a nice way of charting progress at a particular belt color. Todd's really taking well to karate, not only the techniques, but the behavior aspects of it!

Report Cards

The schoolchildren got their report cards today. Todd is doing well. Not only is he keeping up academically, but he's also getting good marks for behavior. The written portion indicated that he's really starting to come out of his shell and interact with others. And just like Sensei mentioned in karate, the report card made mention of Todd setting a good example to the other kids, helping them maintain "self control". Good to hear that Todd's thriving and not being so shy anymore!

Stickers in karate

Todd got an "awesome" sticker today in karate class. Sensei said it was for not only doing good deeds that week (helped out with lots of chores at home, and played quietly while Mommy was sick) but for doing well in class and always setting the example for the other kids. He proudly wore the sticker home to show to Daddy, and we snapped a picture for posterity, before taking it off so I could launder the uniform. I'll be sure to post the pic as soon as I've uploaded it from my camera!

Karate pics

The first batch. I took these in January (where you can tell I had not yet learned how to properly tie the belt!) and am just now getting around to uploading them off my camera and posting them. I will have to take more pics that show Todd in action!

Daddy's psychic!

After I got up from a nap, groggy and still contemplating the household chores ahead of me, Todd clamored to go to the playground. Poor little man had been cooped up indoors most of the day, he needed a refreshing break. But I had so much to do!

Knowing that Daddy was due to come home from work soon, I got on my computer and IMd him to confirm the exact time, and ask if he could take Todd to the playground. While we were making the arrangements, Todd watched quietly as we typed back and forth. Curious, he asked what Daddy was saying. I told him that Daddy would be coming home soon and taking him to the playground.

Todd's response was three-fold:

1. "Ohhhh, I thought YOU were gonna take me there!"

2. He then leaped around excitedly, yelling "Yahoo!" and smacking his forehead with glee and gusto.

3. When he settled down a bit from the initial excitement, he thought some more and then queried: "How did Daddy know I want to go to the playground?"

I had to laugh and explain that I told Daddy about it on IM :-)

Greediness doesn't pay

This weekend we checked out more Veggie Tales videos from the library. This time we got the episode with Madam Blueberry, about a wealthy bery who was still unhappy despite having tons of stuff, plenty of food, a nice house, and good friends. She learned that having a thankful heart is what makes you truly happy, not greediness for more stuff.

As we got ready for bed, Todd and I talked about the episode. I tried to put it in the context of his own life, given that he's like Madam Blueberry in "wealth"-- a family who loves him very much, a warm bed, good food, and plenty of toys. Since Madam Blueberry coveted stuff that her wealthy neighbors had, believing it would make her happy, I asked Todd what he would do if, say, a friend of his had a huge birthday cake. Would he then in turn want an even bigger one for his upcoming birthday?

"No" came the response. Good. Then he elaborated:

"I'll just have a regular cake and be thankful for that. (Besides,) I don't WANT a big cake-- that's too much cake!"

Day at work with Daddy

Todd got to spend Friday at work with Daddy! Daddy cleared out some space in his cube so Todd would have his own little workspace-- where he set up my laptop and Pooh bear. Here are the boys, hard at work (or hardly working??):

(click for larger, more detailed image)

More pics from school

(click on each photo for (slightly) larger versions)

Last week the kindergartners, who are learning about ancient Egypt in their history lessons, made Pharaoh double crowns. Here they are, with Todd wearing his usual cheesy grin... and his hat backwards :-P

Last Friday they got to see a ballet, since one of his classmates does ballet, and both of her parents are professional ballet dancers. Here's the school with the cast of "Cinderella":

And this past Monday, the school got to go on yet another field trip-- to a local fire station, where they got to try on gear and use the equipment, and of course, learn about fire safety. Here's the whole crowd posing with the firemen and fire truck:

Painting your feelings

Last night Todd told me about an activity he does at school-- the kids are given art supplies and free reign to "paint whatever you're feeling". I wonder if any kids have gotten a serious scrutinizing for drawing overly macabre pictures ;-)

Anyway, Todd described his most recent painting to me:

"I painted a rainbow..."
(Oh, how cute-- colorful rainbows = cheerful!)

"... and a heart..."
(how sweet!)

"... and then I covered it with black paint."

Slightly concerned, I asked him why the black paint, and this was his reply:

"The heart was for Valentine's Day. Then Valentine's Day is over, and it was nighttime and I closed my eyes and went to bed!"

Oh. How simple. Why do grownups read all sorts of things into kids' literal interpretations of their worlds? :-P

On hairdressers and God

Remember when Todd suggested that Daddy ask God to stop making his beard grow, so he wouldn't have to shave anymore? Apparently God is good for Mommy's grooming needs, too!

I was absent-mindedly musing about my notorious Helly hairs when Todd piped up that he didn't like all those hairs floating around, getting into and onto everything and anything. I agreed with him fully.

He then suggested I cut my hair short. I told him I would love to, but I had trouble finding a good hairstylist, since everyone I'd ever visited always did my hair wrong. I told him it was hard to find someone who could cut my hair short and not make me look like a boy, or worse.

Todd, ever resourceful, came up with the perfect solution for finding a hairdresser:

"You can ask God to help you!"

He then went on to elaborate:

"God speaks to you through your heart. So he spoke to my heart, and I heard it go through my ear and into my brain!"


Some pics from school

Most of these were taken a few months ago, but I only recently discovered they were posted on the school website, and just now figured out how to download the individual pics to my computer!

Here's Todd painting with his hands and feet along with the other kids:

And here he is receiving his "Fruit of the Spirit" award last month-- he won the award for "Peace". If only they could see him as he really is, at home! "Peaceful" would probably be the last word I'd used to describe him, but I get what they were going for :-)

The head-bashing continues

That doesn't surprise you, does it? Ample evidence has been blogged to prove it.

Today Todd decided to ram Mommy's po-po with a full running start. Except she was standing with her side to him instead of her back. And his head is at perfect level with her hip. You can imagine what happened next.

With a powerful "THUD" Todd's forehead connected with my hipbone. We both reeled back in pain, but mine was overcome at the rare sight of Todd clutching his head (that steel-hard thing NEVER gets hurt!) He, too, was more amused than hurt, for he exclaimed:

"I didn't know there was a bone there! I thought it was the squishy part!"

Needless to say, he learned his lesson and made sure to aim more carefully the next time he decided to headbutt any of my "squishy" body parts!

Play with me more!

While Todd was in LA with Oma and Opa, he was feeling particularly bored because Oma was so busy with house chores one morning. So he piped up with this little tidbit:

"I wish I was a toy, so you would play with me!"


Where will Oma sleep?

Mommy's been battling a nasty bout of the flu all weekend long. Chills, fevers, aches and now congestion. No fun! Too sick to take care of Todd, who eventually came down with a fever himself. So Oma drove up today to pick him up and take him for the rest of the week (and over the long weekend).

As soon as she arrived, Todd clamored for her to stay in Santa Barbara. She could take care of him while Daddy worked and Mommy recuperated. But who will take care of Opa? I wondered.

"Opa can take care of himself, he's a grownup!"

Okay, but this is a 1-bedroom apartment. Where would Oma sleep? Todd pondered this for a moment, looking at the bed in the bedroom he shared with Daddy. Then, inspiration hit:

"You can sleep in the living room, with Mommy!" (i.e. share the double bed)

Only if you're as big as Kung Fu Panda

Kids retain things. You don't even realize how much they retain, and for how long, until they spout off something days, weeks, months later! While Todd was at Oma and Opa's house some time ago, they watched "Kung Fu Panda". He never said anything about it until we made plans to rent it several weeks ago, and he pointed out that he'd already seen it. So we got something else.

Fast forward to today, when he and Daddy had just gotten up and out of the bedroom. Mommy was still in bed in the living room, albeit awake. I asked Todd to do something (I forget what) and he slowly walked up to my bed, stared down at me, and, in the most gruff and ominous voice he could muster, delivered a line from Kung Fu Panda himself:

"What are you going to do, sit on me?"

... which of course, left Mommy and Daddy in a fit of giggles!

Future plans

Little man has his future plans all laid in already, it seems.

It began when we were snuggling in bed last night, and he decided he wanted the stuffed stingray I had bought for myself long before I even met Daddy. When I tried to point out that it was originally my stingray, he corrected me:

"You played with it when you were little, now it's my stingray."

Okay, I decided to follow up on that reasoning: "So that means when you grow up and have your own Pao-pao, you're going to give it to him to play with?"

"No! I'm not getting married!" he declared.

"So you're staying here with Mommy and Daddy?" I asked. Yup, he confirmed. I pressed further: "Are you going to take care of Mommy and Daddy?" (hey, not a bad deal. Built in nursing home care!)

His answer? "No. You're not going to be OLD when I'm grown up!" I laughed inwardly. If only he knew!

So then I decided to see how helpful he would be, staying under our roof all his life. "Are you going to help out with chores?" Yup, he again confirmed. Which ones? I pressed.

"I can... do the dishes without help. I can fold clothes. And I can wash the bathroom". (Hmmm... still sounded like an inequitable deal, shouldn't he be pitching in more, after all?)

So I gave some more suggestions: how about WASHING the laundry (not just folding it)? No. Vacuuming? No. Oh, but sweeping is okay, he pointed out. He'll sweep the bathroom floor. LOL

We'll have to wait a few more years and see how this all turns out! I'm keeping this blog post as a reminder of what he promised ;-) Don't think I'm not gonna use this against him! :-D

Lunchtime timesavers

On Monday, Daddy taught the lower and middle schoolers at Todd's school, giving them a basic introduction to computers, even bringing computer parts for them to look at. Since his stay encompassed the lunch period, he brought his lunch and ate with Todd. This enabled me to prepare a nice hot lunch of rice, meat and veggies for Todd instead of his usual sandwich, since Daddy would be there to eat with him and feed him, or at least supervise him to make sure he ate everything. Then Daddy took him home and Mommy took over, cleaning up, changing him out of his uniform, and taking him to after-school care.

This worked so well for a number of reasons:
1. Todd gets a nutritious lunch from the get-go, rather than having to eat a sandwich at school and follow it with regular food at home.

2. It saves time, as he's more likely to eat the regular food quickly when he's hungry at lunch, rather than being full after a sandwich.

3. Again, it saves time at home because all he has to do is eat his fruit and clean up, no time spent on eating his actual lunch. As a result, nobody feels rushed any longer. Mommy's not harried and Todd's not pushed around. In fact, one day last week we were able to go out onto the balcony and blow bubbles while Todd ate his apple, because we actually had time to!

So we decided to continue doing this, having one of accompany Todd with hot food during lunch, while the other goes home later and takes over the cleaning up and driving him to after-school care.

That's when we discovered yet another benefit:

4. Reduced lunch hours for both of us! Instead of both parents having to take 1.5 hours (the shortest we've been able to cut it to is 1 hr and 20 min, and then only if Todd's cooperative all around), each parent only has to take 1 hour, albeit not simultaneously. For example: Daddy leaves before noon to have lunch with little man, while Mommy goes home at 12:30 to prepare fruit and lay out clothes. Then, Daddy's home by 12:45 (immediately leaving and getting back to work by 1pm), giving Mommy time to leisurely dress the boy, take him to after-school care, and be back at work by 1:30pm. In other words, only 1 hour for lunch for each of us.

Not bad, eh! The nice thing about this is that we can continue doing this even when Todd is in the later grades, and not dismissed till 2-3pm. Great peace of mind in knowing our son is well-fed during the day :-) One less thing to worry about!

The Adventures of Soapy Wee-wee Boy

Several weeks ago, while I was showering Todd and he observed himself covered in soapy suds, he declared: "I'm Soapy Wee-wee Boy!!"

Which I found amusing, but not significant enough to blog. Well, that changed last night. I was again showering him when he decided:

"I'm going to squeeze my wee-wee."

I had barely opened my mouth to explain why this wasn't a good idea, and that it might hurt, when he grabbed his wee-wee, squeezed it hard, and then exclaimed: "OWWWWWWW!!!!"

You would think it would stop there, but no. Remember, this is the same kid who likes bashing his head into things like stuffed animals and people's hands.

So what do you suppose he did? That's right... he grabbed it and squeezed it AGAIN. And again he cried out "OWWWWWW!!!!"

Sigh... this is why my Facebook status currently reads "Helly's little boy is speshul"!

Logical deduction

Tonight while I was snuggling with Todd in bed, Daddy came in the door to get to the bathroom. As he slowly opened it, I looked at Todd and asked: "Who's that coming in?"

Todd, however, had no patience for such baby-like questions, and in his most grownup way, explained a simple principle of logical deduction:

"It's Daddy. You should know that. You and me are in here, and Daddy's the only one outside!"

Turtles don't wear clothes, after all

Apparently I've been proven wrong. You see, during our 2-week winter "vacation", I dressed Pistachio in one of Todd's school polo shirts, to help keep him clean. But when Todd arrived back in SB tonight, I had to take it off so Todd could actually use it during the week.

When I finally undressed the turtle in front of Todd, I made him protest "Awww, now I'm naked!"

To which Todd pointed out: "Now you are like Geronimo!" (who has long since gone au naturel)

When Pistachio persisted in expressing his dislike for being naked, Todd, exasperated, said: "But you're supposed to be! Turtles aren't supposed to be not-naked!"


(and anyway, I personally maintain that turtles by their very nature aren't naked-- they have shells, right?)