Turtle Surgery

As I drove Todd to SB, he fielded an imaginary call from his imaginary cell phone. It was Geronimo and Pistachio calling from SB to tell him that they missed him. How did I know? Because Todd provided their squeaky, high-pitched voices while he talked to them in his normal voice. During the conversation, it was discovered that Pistachio had a tummyache. Todd promised to heal him when he got to SB.

Curious, I asked how he planned to cure the turtle, fully expecting him to tell me he was gonna give the turtle medicine, or take him to the doctor. No. What followed was an intricate description of invasive surgery:

"I'm going to cut open his tummy. Then I'm going to pull the bad things out, and put the good things in. Then I'll put glue on his tummy and put it back together. And when the glue dries it will be stuck tight!"
