Getting Dressed

Todd must have enjoyed a good night's sleep last night because this morning he was bubbling with all kinds of cute things.

Today he managed to get dressed all by himself. He's been able to remove and put on pants and socks all by himself for a while now. But he insisted that he wouldn't be able to learn to do the rest (i.e. shirts) until he got older. Then last night, I pointed out that his friend Molly, who is younger than him, has been able to dress herself entirely for some time now. That must have gotten him motivated.

This morning, I helped him out of his jammies, and then, to save time, I laid out his clothes in front of him and instructed him to get dressed. (Meantime, I was busy dressing myself) Fully expecting him to tackle only the pants and socks (hey, that's still less work for me) I was surprised when I peeked over and saw him pulling his T-shirt over his head, and then studying the logo to make sure it was in front. To my amazement, he continued with the flannel button-down shirt that goes on top of the T-shirt-- not only did he get it on, but he managed to fasten every button except the top button! Of course, it took him about 10 minutes but hey, I was busy getting stuff ready anyway, so it was a good use of time. I periodically asked if he needed help, and he kept refusing it (till the last button). Lo and behold! Little man had finally gotten dressed ALL by himself, without any help, for the first time!

He was so proud of himself that when I suggested he tell Daddy later today about it, he wanted to share the news sooner, while driving to school: "When I hop in the car, you call Daddy and give me the phone so I can tell him!"... and tell him he did :-D


lisa said...

my little man is growing up!