Tickling is not helping!

When Todd found himself in a bit of a pickle when he tried to crawl head-first off the futon, he clamored for help. As you can see, Daddy decided to have some fun instead. Todd's response was very apt! :-)

Family relationships

Daddy was going over the relationships between various people in Todd's immediate family, stuff like "Oma is Mommy's mommy", "Grandpa is Aunt Debbie's daddy", and "Aunt Debbie is Daddy's sister".

After exhausting the various parsings of the family tree, Todd chimed in: "And Daddy is... Mommy's wife!"

Yep... you got that exactly right, son! ;-)

Sidewalk Art

Finally broke open the chalk stocking stuffer today. Here are Todd and Daddy, hard at work on the front walk of our apartment:

Some of their handiwork. Todd has written his first name, his last name, and made a stab at writing "Happy Kwanza" (click on the pic for full size)

And this, we lovingly dub "self portrait". The little lines going horizontally across the front are supposed to be Todd's zipper on his jacket:

Meet Sheldon P. Turtle

His full name is Sheldon Pistachio Turtle. We call him Pistachio. It rhymes with Geronimo! Here he is with the onesie-clad Geronimo:

Also, a little bit of turtle-related logic:
Geronimo had gone missing today, and we searched for him in vain. I knew we just hadn't thoroughly checked every nook and cranny, nevertheless, I mused to Todd: "Geronimo ran away!"

This made Todd pause. Then he tried to bring me back to reality: "No! He didn't run away! He's just a toy!"

Merry Christmas 2007

Started the morning by seeing what Santa had left in our stockings. In Mommy and Daddy's stocking was an assortment of candy: chocolates, candy canes and lollipops. Todd's stocking held the mother lode: the same candy, plus a plastic cane filled with M&Ms, a pair of gloves, sidewalk chalk and a stuffed Blue doggie!

We then scrambled to get ready to drive to Ron and Debbie's house, where there was NO traffic at all! Ah, the joys of driving ON Christmas day, when everyone is already cozily at home and not on the road!

Had fun opening presents once we arrived.
Todd got a Tonka truck, construction site and SpongeBob mitt/puppet from Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron, a LeapPad "learn to read and write" gadget from Grandpa (in addition to the usual cash and stocking stuffers), Lincoln Logs, puzzles, more LeapPad stuff and a check (a.k.a "paper!") from Oma and Opa.
Mommy and Daddy got a cute little penguin ornament (which Todd immediately clamored to hang on the tree when we got home), Ferrero Rochers (Mommy's favorite) and our annual AAA membership (which we put to immediate use). Todd made a grab for Daddy's paddleball and Play-Doh in his stocking stuffer ;-)

This year, in addition to the usual Hickory Farms boxes, we got nut assortments from a Hickory Farms offshoot, and Jim Beam sauces/marinades for the grill lovers, Ron and Duaine, and flavored coffee for the coffee lover-- Grandpa!

Todd enjoyed playing with Daddy's family, and really came out of his shell to interact with them. Here he is playing Road Rage with Aunt Debbie:

When Aunt Debbie tried to push her car (to no avail) through a large truck, Todd observed her futile attempts onscreen for a few seconds before chiming in with his suggestion: "You have to back up, Aunt Debbie!"
He also shrieked with delight as the two of them got on the floor of the living room to play with the construction set, carting boulders, exploding them, and catapulting the little workers in the air ;-)

Todd loved playing with Sammy, trying to "introduce" Blue to the little white dog, and always coaxing his "cousin" to come outside so they could run around. He also got a kiss from Sammy on his cheek, and wiped off the wetness with a strange look on his face!

After the celebration was over (and after AAA came to unlock our car after Daddy locked the keys inside) we headed over to Grandma's house to deliver her presents. We sat in the living room, right where Daddy and Aunt Debbie used to open their gifts as children, and dug into Grandma and Grandpa Duaine's gifts: pajamas for Mommy (yay!), a drum set for Todd, and a cheese cutter with meat and cheese assortments for Daddy. Love how Daddy always gets kitchen-related gifts. Not only are they very useful, but it goes to the right person-- the member of the family who spends the most time in the kitchen! ;-)

Whew! What a day! It really did shape up to be a very pleasant and fun Christmas!

Christmas Eve

Summary blog entry about Christmas Eve and Christmas day (plus some pictures) can be found here:

Christmas Eve started out as just another day. Todd and I did a bit of last-minute shopping at K-Mart, where he had fun perusing the toy aisle. However, when he learned that 1) we would open presents as soon as it got dark and 2) it was going to get dark within an hour, he kept clamoring to go home! Not having to pry him away from the toy aisle? Now there's a first!

Here he is digging into his stash of gifts:

We enjoyed a quiet little dinner of turkey ham, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, and egg custard pie :-9 Then we hung up stockings in anticipation of a visit from Santa after we went to bed.


About a year or two ago, Todd did what most kids do-- fed the VCR (or in this case, Daddy's CD changer) stuff that it's not supposed to "eat". Luckily nothing liquid-- just lots of coins and plastic poker chips. Funny how the CD changer hasn't worked since :-P

Anyway, today Daddy took it apart and cleaned out all the errant stuff Todd had inserted over the years. Todd, of course, happily played with the coins and poker chips. When he started taking to throwing them around the house, however, Mommy and Daddy sternly admonished him to stop. Daddy even pointed out: "it's not a ball, so it's not for throwing!"

Todd picked up his scattered coins, examined them, and then declared: "But it's round!"

Dora speaks English

Visited the library this evening. Todd read some children's book in the little children's nook of the library while Mommy perused the bookshelves for something good to check out. When she returned to see how Todd was doing, he'd collected a few books he wanted to take home. One of them was a Dora book. Mommy flipped through it to see if it was any good, and promptly pointed out that it was in Spanish, so she couldn't read it and there was no point in checking that book out.

Apparently Mommy forgot one thing that Todd quickly reminded her of: "But Dora speaks English!"

Sleeping animals

Bedtime has become a routine: brush your teeth, read some bedtime stories, say good night to everyone, settle down with a bottle of milk, get tucked in under the blanket, and drift off to sleep with some soothing classical music.

Today Todd decided to do the same for his stuffed Santa Dog: tucked him into a little "cradle" (the dog fits nicely into the construction helmet Todd received on Thanksgiving), covered the dog with one of his own blankets, and then turned on some music so doggie could sleep. The source of the music? Mommy's old Fisher Price "record player" music box toy, the one she used to play with at Todd's age.

Not only does playtime imitate real life, but sturdy toys can be passed down to the next generation for continued use!

Playing with flat turtles

Todd was playing with his turtle, and stuffed the hapless critter between 2 pillows, making a "turtle sandwich".

To this, Geronimo protested (through Mommy, of course): "No! Don't eat me!"

Todd replied, "We're just pretending!" as he squished the sandwich.

This caused Mommy to exclaim: "Aww, the poor turtle will be flat!"

Todd looked at me quizzically and pointed out: "But... he's ALREADY flat!"

What do you say?

It's not just the grownups who teach Todd manners:

MOMMY: What do you say?

TODDY: Thank you!

MOMMY: (ruffling Todd's hair) That's a good boy!

TODDY: What do YOU say?

MOMMY: Oh! You're welcome!

Flowers for Oma

Yesterday, Todd had just watched a Dragon Tales episode where Cassie used a magic crayon to draw a get-well card for her ailing mother. The "magic" of the crayon is that anything you draw comes to life-- so when she drew a heart on the front of the card, it popped out in 3-D, and the flowers in the card sprang out as if a bouquet had been suppressed inside.

So, little man decided he wanted to follow suit by making Oma a get-well card (appropriate timing, as she's currently in surgery as I type this). I helped him by showing him how to draw certain flowers: daisy, tulip, daffodil. After watching me carefully, he tried drawing the flowers himself, freehand. Afterward, we colored them and cut them out to mimic the "3-D" nature of the magic crayon's effects.

Here's the results of our efforts (click on the photo for a larger version):

Not bad! His drawing skills are definitely improving!
Now... to set about making another card for Oma for when she gets home from the hospital...

Yours... but not yours

Yesterday evening I went grocery shopping with Todd. As it was a cold, blustery night, when we returned to the car in the parking lot, and before I could put away groceries or let Todd in, I immediately opened the driver's-side door, reached in, popped the key in the ignition, and started the engine, hoping to get some warm air through the car right away.

Thinking that I was going to take off right after starting the car, Todd immediately protested:

"Don't leave without me! You won't have your Pao-pao!"

As we drove home, I casually made mention of how Todd "belongs to Mommy and Daddy".

His response? "I don't belong to Mommy and Daddy! I belong to Opa and Oma!"


Yet another slew of updates all posted today, be sure to scroll down for all of them :-)

Todd's first visit to Santa Claus today. He was excited about being able to see him, sit on his lap, make his Christmas wish, and get his picture taken. The picture printout isn't the most stellar, and the prices were a bloody ripoff for the quality, but it's a nice memento of his first visit to Santa :-)

Counting to Three

Well, this is my (Daddy) first attempt at a blog entry here on Todd's diary. You'll excuse me if I don't write as well as Helly.

Tonight Todd and I decided to play baseball, football and soccer in the backyard. All this play really entails is Todd and I throwing the balls around. Todd was chasing the balls and fell on the ground. I admonished him to get up immediately because the grass was wet and it was a cold night. Todd preferred to stay on the ground. I tried the old counting to three trick, and for the most part it worked. I threatened to take him back inside on the count of three if he did not get up off the ground. He complied, but continued to fall to the ground. 

One time he decided to find out how much he could get away with. He fell to the ground and was lying all the way down. I began counting three, and he sat up on his butt. I began again to count to three and he attempted to comply by getting on his knees. By this time I was on to his little game, but thought it was cute and I decided to see how far he would take the game. I was very impressed. He went from his knees to squatting to legs straight, but bent over, to finally standing up straight with Daddy counting almost to three at each step. How could I get mad at that? It was very cute and we laughed the entire time. 

Light Show

Opa drove Mommy and Todd to see the LADWP Light Show in Griffith Park tonight. Traffic was surprisingly light! Todd was quiet when he saw the lights last year, what a marked difference to tonight, where he commented on every light display we saw, and even asked his usual slew of "why?" questions.

I managed to snap a few photos of the lights using my camera phone. Not the best quality, but decent.

One of my favorites: the Griffith Observatory:

Todd's favorite, the LAFD elf firetruck:

And this was the patriotic display at the end of the row of displays. Todd exclaimed in excitement when he saw it, and proceeded to recite the Pledge of Allegiance when he saw the flag!