Midget Todd

More silliness: Todd discovers how to make himself look several inches shorter (and with extra long arms to boot). He used this as a cover photo for his class "newspaper"-- a project that each kid has to do once during the school term, wherein they create a newspaper that centers around them.

Todd in a Box

We got a new memory foam mattress today, and when it was delivered, it was vacuum sealed and rolled up tightly, packed in an elongated box. After we got the mattress out and unrolled, Todd made a beeline for the box, figuring out that he could fit in it perfect! Here he is, after discovering how to climb into it and stand up without toppling over. Now all we need to figure out is how much postage it would cost to ship this package out! :-)

Todd's Artwork

The art teacher at Todd's school publishes some of the children's more accomplished artwork on a website called Artsonia. Here is what Todd has done so far:

First up, a landscape inspired by David Hockney:

Then, a self-portrait inspired by Modigliani:

The Artsonia page: