You hurt my feelings more!

Talked to little man on the phone, where he at first refused to talk to me, because he was acting up a little. When he finally came onto the phone, reluctantly and sniffling, he explained that he was upset because Opa got mad at him for disobeying. As he put it: "Opa hurt my feelings!"

I tried to explain that disobeying Opa hurt his feelings, too.

Todd's response? "But Opa hurt my feelings MORE!"


Oklahoma visit

Todd accompanied Daddy and Grandpa on a trip to Oklahoma to see Uncle Barry & family, and Uncle Wayne. Daddy's favorite part of the trip? When Todd and Grandpa went to the airport restroom by themselves, and came back out holding hands. Todd's favorite part? Fishing! And the part in the airplane where Grandpa, in the window seat, turned the tables on Todd and declared the window off-limits, as he was now the one in charge of it ;-) Fun times for 3 generations of Knight men!