
Not long after Todd was born, we took to nicknaming him "Toddzilla" at times. Partly because he was taller than average, but mostly because it was fun to wave the little couple-months-old tyke at each other, saying "Rawr! I'm Toddzilla!" :-D

Fast forward a few years later, when Todd's current favorite TV show (not that we watch it on TV, we only get the videotapes of individual episodes from the library) is Veggie Tales.

We often break out into the entire theme song at random-- while showering, while cleaning, in the car... he's even been known to join in with his kindergarten classmates when they spontaneously begin singing it, as well.

Tonight, he suddenly remembered a song from one of the episodes we watched last month. Here it is:

Only... instead of saying "Godzilla", Todd kept singing "Toddzilla", apparently unaware of the existence of said Godzilla, and no doubt influenced by years of Mommy and Daddy calling him "Toddzilla". When he watched the above video, he realized, "Oh! It's GODzilla"... but of course, Mommy kept insisting that we sing the much-cuter "Toddzilla" instead :-D

Watching a movie at work

Another Friday, another day at work with Daddy... here's Todd wearing daddy's headphones while watching a movie. They're too big for his head! Then again, I guess his ears are big enough to hold them in place, eh? He is, after all, his father's son...

Excuses don't fly

I think Todd's finally learning that Mommy and Daddy are wise to his excuses ;-) We always seem to rebuff him with the same thing, for example, if he complains he's too full to finish his dinner (in the hopes that he can skip the rest of it and go straight to dessert), we'll point out that if he's full then he's too full to eat dessert. He usually relents ;-)

Then there was last night:

Todd wanted to get on the computer and play a game with Daddy, so Daddy instructed him to turn it on while he wrapped up what he was currently doing and joined him. Not feeling like it, Todd asked Daddy to turn it on for him.

"Are you feeling lazy?" asked Daddy.

"No, I... oh. I was going to say I'm too tired, but that would mean I have to go to sleep!" Todd replied, as he turned on the computer.

He pre-empted us! How about that!

Are you asleep?

It's 10:15pm and Todd STILL isn't asleep. Usually he's out by 9pm, but this afternoon, while Mommy and Daddy were trying to catch a few winks of sleep after a busy morning, the little man decided to join us and promptly fell asleep. The nap wasn't very long-- only about a half hour or so, and he was awake by 4pm. Alas, that proved to be enough to recharge him well into the night so far, and despite putting him to bed on time and turning off the lights by 9pm, he's STILL awake.

I just checked in on him to see if he was asleep yet. His eyes were shut and he was lying motionless, but his face was pinched, not relaxed. Looked totally unnatural. I was certain he was still awake. But just in case he really WAS asleep, I leaned over him and whispered "Are you still awake?"

He vehemently shook his head.

What could I do but make a hasty retreat out of the bedroom, giggle, and then blog about it? :-)

That's rude!

As allluded to in this post, Todd's apparently been setting the example for the other kids at school.

This story took place a few weeks ago, when I ate lunch with Todd at school. One of his classmates, Ginny, was horsing around while we ate. She started poking me and I looked at her and said calmly: "Is that a nice thing to do?"

She stopped and then went to the other side of the table, where Todd was sitting, and began poking him. In his best Mommy imitation, he stopped eating, gave her a pointed look, and said: "Is that a nice thing to do?"

Ginny then tried to convince Todd to come with her to one of the older boys (6th/7th grade) so they could tug on his shirt. Todd refused, explaning: "That's rude!!"


Karate sticker

As promised from this post, here's a shot of Todd proudly displaying his karate sticker (click on image for larger version):

I KNOW you like turtles

Todd and I were flipping through a story about a boy who visited a pet shop in search of the perfect pet. Along the pages, the boy examined each creature in the pet shop-- fish, birds, rabbits, turtles, cats, dogs... when we got to the page where the boy was looking at the cute little baby turtles, I squealed and exclaimed: "Oh, look! Turtles!!"

I could swear Todd rolled his eyes (at least inwardly) as he impatiently continued flipping the pages and said:

"Yeah, yeah, I know *you* like turtles!"


Don't pick me up!

You can always tell when Todd's out of town by the length of time between updates. He's spent the past 2 weeks with Oma and Opa for Spring Break plus an extra week off :-) At first he was reluctant to go to LA. But he quickly warmed to the idea, especially after I promised I'd install "Professor Fizzwizzle" on their computer.

Then yesterday at work I receive the following call:

Ring, ring
Mommy: Hello?
Todd: Mommy, don't pick me up tomorrow!
Mommy: Why not!?
Todd: Because... it's funner here!
Mommy: How come?
Todd: Uh... ummm... *silence*

I guess it's just one of those things that's too difficult to put into words, eh ;-)

If he calls again today with the same spiel, perhaps I should tell him that he has a letter from Grandma waiting for him ;-)