Last week Todd and I shopped for birthday cards for Daddy. Had to find something special for the big 4-0, after all! While Todd's choices consisted of fun music cards, mine, of course, went to the age digs. And so I found the perfect card for him. The front of it reads:
Oh no! It's the "F" word, that terrible "F" word! Stop me, please before I lose control and say it again and again and again...
Inside it reads:
Forty! You're forty! Yes, Forty! Ha ha! Forty! Forty! Forty!
Happy Birthday!
Harmless enough, right? Good for a few giggles.
Then today at school, apparently, Todd shocked his teacher by making mention of the "F-word". Fortunately, he innocently explained further and told her that his Daddy's 40th birthday was coming up. Whew! Maybe it's not such a bad thing if he thinks, for now, at least, that the F-word is "forty" :-)
The "F" word
Posted by
on 23 February 2010
From the mouths of babes
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Ants, not Aunts!
Posted by
on 20 February 2010
From the mouths of babes
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Our home is perpetually invaded by ants. Not a swarm, mind you, just a constant presence of 2 or 3 ants in the kitchen and in the bathroom sink. I wash them down the drain and an hour later 2 or 3 more have taken their place. I was getting fed up with the constant sight of these little buggers, and one evening exclaimed, "Ugh! Ants!!" in disgust.
To which my smart-aleck husband replied: "What, no uncles?"
Since this wasn't the first (nor even the hundredth, try thousandth) time he'd cracked that same joke, I all but ignored him.
Not Todd, who took him a little more seriously and responded in turn:
"No, not A-U-N-T! Ants! A-N-T!!"
To which my smart-aleck husband replied: "What, no uncles?"
Since this wasn't the first (nor even the hundredth, try thousandth) time he'd cracked that same joke, I all but ignored him.
Not Todd, who took him a little more seriously and responded in turn:
"No, not A-U-N-T! Ants! A-N-T!!"
Todd fires Daddy
Posted by
on 18 February 2010
From the mouths of babes
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All week Todd has been spending afternoons after school with us at work, since after-school care is closed this week. Yesterday he was hanging out in Daddy's office, where Daddy's attention got diverted by a conversation with a co-worker. Todd was none too pleased at being left out, and so wrote this note for Daddy on the whiteboard:

No mincing words, there!
On the bright side, he did end the pink slip with a nice closing of "Love" :-)

No mincing words, there!
On the bright side, he did end the pink slip with a nice closing of "Love" :-)
First loose tooth
Posted by
on 16 February 2010
Health and Development
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I was flossing the little man's teeth last night when I noticed that one of his bottom teeth wiggled a little. I pushed at it with my finger, and sure enough, it was the makings of a loose tooth! Todd was so excited when I revealed this news to him. He bounced around like... well, like he normally does, I suppose ;-P He was especially thrilled that he wouldn't have to wait until he was 6 years old (which I had told him) before he lost his first tooth. I'm sure he's glad to be catching up to his gap-toothed classmates :-D
You're all wet!
Posted by
on 08 February 2010
From the mouths of babes
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Just a few minutes ago, Daddy came home from the workout room of our apartment complex, having sweated several hundred calories away on the treadmill. Since I had just shut the door to the bedroom, I knew Todd was still awake and encouraged him to say good night to his son. A sweaty Daddy obliged. When he came out, he told me that Todd had asked him:
"You're all wet! Why are you wet? Did you go pee-pee in your pants!? Tell Mommy I asked you if you went pee-pee in your pants!"
"You're all wet! Why are you wet? Did you go pee-pee in your pants!? Tell Mommy I asked you if you went pee-pee in your pants!"
Superbowl Sunday
Posted by
on 07 February 2010
Cute miscellany,
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Todd's first Superbowl! We're not much of sports fan, but since this is more of an opportunity to get together with Daddy's family and hang out, and was really more of a social gathering than a true game-watching, Todd joined Daddy at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ron's house today. He had great fun showing them his magic tricks, playing Monopoly with Aunt Debbie and crashing demolition cars with Uncle Ron, teasing him all the while. It's amazing how much he's opened up and feels comfortable socializing with Daddy's family. Well, after 5 years, it was bound to happen-- their nephew/grandson is finally saying and doing interesting things :-)
Toddy came home with a new friend-- a stuffed seal. Daddy joked that he should name him "iPad". Only... this is proof that you should be careful what kinds of things you say or even joke about in front of kids... because Todd thought it was a fabulous idea and promptly named the seal "iPad". Sigh... maybe we can convince him to call it "Paddy" as a nickname. Irish seal, maybe?
Toddy came home with a new friend-- a stuffed seal. Daddy joked that he should name him "iPad". Only... this is proof that you should be careful what kinds of things you say or even joke about in front of kids... because Todd thought it was a fabulous idea and promptly named the seal "iPad". Sigh... maybe we can convince him to call it "Paddy" as a nickname. Irish seal, maybe?
Kids don't lie
Posted by
on 06 February 2010
From the mouths of babes
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... for the most part, anyway! And certainly not when the situation at hand has nothing to do with them (or their getting into trouble!)
We had dinner with several old UCSB friends, some of whom were in town for the SB International Film Festival. One of the topics of conversation was Daddy's upcoming birthday.
Ever in denial, he told everyone that he was celebrating the anniversary of his 39th birthday once again. When Todd heard this, he was quick to set him straight, very loud and very clear in front of the whole crowd:
"No you're not! You're going to be FORTY!!"
We had dinner with several old UCSB friends, some of whom were in town for the SB International Film Festival. One of the topics of conversation was Daddy's upcoming birthday.
Ever in denial, he told everyone that he was celebrating the anniversary of his 39th birthday once again. When Todd heard this, he was quick to set him straight, very loud and very clear in front of the whole crowd:
"No you're not! You're going to be FORTY!!"