This weekend we checked out more Veggie Tales videos from the library. This time we got the episode with Madam Blueberry, about a wealthy bery who was still unhappy despite having tons of stuff, plenty of food, a nice house, and good friends. She learned that having a thankful heart is what makes you truly happy, not greediness for more stuff.
As we got ready for bed, Todd and I talked about the episode. I tried to put it in the context of his own life, given that he's like Madam Blueberry in "wealth"-- a family who loves him very much, a warm bed, good food, and plenty of toys. Since Madam Blueberry coveted stuff that her wealthy neighbors had, believing it would make her happy, I asked Todd what he would do if, say, a friend of his had a huge birthday cake. Would he then in turn want an even bigger one for his upcoming birthday?
"No" came the response. Good. Then he elaborated:
"I'll just have a regular cake and be thankful for that. (Besides,) I don't WANT a big cake-- that's too much cake!"
Greediness doesn't pay
Posted by
on 28 February 2009
From the mouths of babes,
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Day at work with Daddy
Posted by
on 27 February 2009
Cute miscellany,
Trips and Outings
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More pics from school
Posted by
on 26 February 2009
Cute miscellany,
Trips and Outings
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(click on each photo for (slightly) larger versions)
Last week the kindergartners, who are learning about ancient Egypt in their history lessons, made Pharaoh double crowns. Here they are, with Todd wearing his usual cheesy grin... and his hat backwards :-P

Last Friday they got to see a ballet, since one of his classmates does ballet, and both of her parents are professional ballet dancers. Here's the school with the cast of "Cinderella":

And this past Monday, the school got to go on yet another field trip-- to a local fire station, where they got to try on gear and use the equipment, and of course, learn about fire safety. Here's the whole crowd posing with the firemen and fire truck:
Last week the kindergartners, who are learning about ancient Egypt in their history lessons, made Pharaoh double crowns. Here they are, with Todd wearing his usual cheesy grin... and his hat backwards :-P
Last Friday they got to see a ballet, since one of his classmates does ballet, and both of her parents are professional ballet dancers. Here's the school with the cast of "Cinderella":

And this past Monday, the school got to go on yet another field trip-- to a local fire station, where they got to try on gear and use the equipment, and of course, learn about fire safety. Here's the whole crowd posing with the firemen and fire truck:

Painting your feelings
Posted by
on 25 February 2009
From the mouths of babes,
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Last night Todd told me about an activity he does at school-- the kids are given art supplies and free reign to "paint whatever you're feeling". I wonder if any kids have gotten a serious scrutinizing for drawing overly macabre pictures ;-)
Anyway, Todd described his most recent painting to me:
"I painted a rainbow..."
(Oh, how cute-- colorful rainbows = cheerful!)
"... and a heart..."
(how sweet!)
"... and then I covered it with black paint."
Slightly concerned, I asked him why the black paint, and this was his reply:
"The heart was for Valentine's Day. Then Valentine's Day is over, and it was nighttime and I closed my eyes and went to bed!"
Oh. How simple. Why do grownups read all sorts of things into kids' literal interpretations of their worlds? :-P
Anyway, Todd described his most recent painting to me:
"I painted a rainbow..."
(Oh, how cute-- colorful rainbows = cheerful!)
"... and a heart..."
(how sweet!)
"... and then I covered it with black paint."
Slightly concerned, I asked him why the black paint, and this was his reply:
"The heart was for Valentine's Day. Then Valentine's Day is over, and it was nighttime and I closed my eyes and went to bed!"
Oh. How simple. Why do grownups read all sorts of things into kids' literal interpretations of their worlds? :-P
On hairdressers and God
Posted by
on 23 February 2009
From the mouths of babes
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Remember when Todd suggested that Daddy ask God to stop making his beard grow, so he wouldn't have to shave anymore? Apparently God is good for Mommy's grooming needs, too!
I was absent-mindedly musing about my notorious Helly hairs when Todd piped up that he didn't like all those hairs floating around, getting into and onto everything and anything. I agreed with him fully.
He then suggested I cut my hair short. I told him I would love to, but I had trouble finding a good hairstylist, since everyone I'd ever visited always did my hair wrong. I told him it was hard to find someone who could cut my hair short and not make me look like a boy, or worse.
Todd, ever resourceful, came up with the perfect solution for finding a hairdresser:
"You can ask God to help you!"
He then went on to elaborate:
"God speaks to you through your heart. So he spoke to my heart, and I heard it go through my ear and into my brain!"
I was absent-mindedly musing about my notorious Helly hairs when Todd piped up that he didn't like all those hairs floating around, getting into and onto everything and anything. I agreed with him fully.
He then suggested I cut my hair short. I told him I would love to, but I had trouble finding a good hairstylist, since everyone I'd ever visited always did my hair wrong. I told him it was hard to find someone who could cut my hair short and not make me look like a boy, or worse.
Todd, ever resourceful, came up with the perfect solution for finding a hairdresser:
"You can ask God to help you!"
He then went on to elaborate:
"God speaks to you through your heart. So he spoke to my heart, and I heard it go through my ear and into my brain!"
Some pics from school
Posted by
on 19 February 2009
Cute miscellany,
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Most of these were taken a few months ago, but I only recently discovered they were posted on the school website, and just now figured out how to download the individual pics to my computer!
Here's Todd painting with his hands and feet along with the other kids:

And here he is receiving his "Fruit of the Spirit" award last month-- he won the award for "Peace". If only they could see him as he really is, at home! "Peaceful" would probably be the last word I'd used to describe him, but I get what they were going for :-)
Here's Todd painting with his hands and feet along with the other kids:
And here he is receiving his "Fruit of the Spirit" award last month-- he won the award for "Peace". If only they could see him as he really is, at home! "Peaceful" would probably be the last word I'd used to describe him, but I get what they were going for :-)
The head-bashing continues
Posted by
on 16 February 2009
From the mouths of babes,
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That doesn't surprise you, does it? Ample evidence has been blogged to prove it.
Today Todd decided to ram Mommy's po-po with a full running start. Except she was standing with her side to him instead of her back. And his head is at perfect level with her hip. You can imagine what happened next.
With a powerful "THUD" Todd's forehead connected with my hipbone. We both reeled back in pain, but mine was overcome at the rare sight of Todd clutching his head (that steel-hard thing NEVER gets hurt!) He, too, was more amused than hurt, for he exclaimed:
"I didn't know there was a bone there! I thought it was the squishy part!"
Needless to say, he learned his lesson and made sure to aim more carefully the next time he decided to headbutt any of my "squishy" body parts!
Today Todd decided to ram Mommy's po-po with a full running start. Except she was standing with her side to him instead of her back. And his head is at perfect level with her hip. You can imagine what happened next.
With a powerful "THUD" Todd's forehead connected with my hipbone. We both reeled back in pain, but mine was overcome at the rare sight of Todd clutching his head (that steel-hard thing NEVER gets hurt!) He, too, was more amused than hurt, for he exclaimed:
"I didn't know there was a bone there! I thought it was the squishy part!"
Needless to say, he learned his lesson and made sure to aim more carefully the next time he decided to headbutt any of my "squishy" body parts!
Play with me more!
Posted by
on 11 February 2009
From the mouths of babes
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While Todd was in LA with Oma and Opa, he was feeling particularly bored because Oma was so busy with house chores one morning. So he piped up with this little tidbit:
"I wish I was a toy, so you would play with me!"
"I wish I was a toy, so you would play with me!"
Where will Oma sleep?
Posted by
on 09 February 2009
From the mouths of babes
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Mommy's been battling a nasty bout of the flu all weekend long. Chills, fevers, aches and now congestion. No fun! Too sick to take care of Todd, who eventually came down with a fever himself. So Oma drove up today to pick him up and take him for the rest of the week (and over the long weekend).
As soon as she arrived, Todd clamored for her to stay in Santa Barbara. She could take care of him while Daddy worked and Mommy recuperated. But who will take care of Opa? I wondered.
"Opa can take care of himself, he's a grownup!"
Okay, but this is a 1-bedroom apartment. Where would Oma sleep? Todd pondered this for a moment, looking at the bed in the bedroom he shared with Daddy. Then, inspiration hit:
"You can sleep in the living room, with Mommy!" (i.e. share the double bed)
As soon as she arrived, Todd clamored for her to stay in Santa Barbara. She could take care of him while Daddy worked and Mommy recuperated. But who will take care of Opa? I wondered.
"Opa can take care of himself, he's a grownup!"
Okay, but this is a 1-bedroom apartment. Where would Oma sleep? Todd pondered this for a moment, looking at the bed in the bedroom he shared with Daddy. Then, inspiration hit:
"You can sleep in the living room, with Mommy!" (i.e. share the double bed)
Only if you're as big as Kung Fu Panda
Posted by
on 08 February 2009
From the mouths of babes
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Kids retain things. You don't even realize how much they retain, and for how long, until they spout off something days, weeks, months later! While Todd was at Oma and Opa's house some time ago, they watched "Kung Fu Panda". He never said anything about it until we made plans to rent it several weeks ago, and he pointed out that he'd already seen it. So we got something else.
Fast forward to today, when he and Daddy had just gotten up and out of the bedroom. Mommy was still in bed in the living room, albeit awake. I asked Todd to do something (I forget what) and he slowly walked up to my bed, stared down at me, and, in the most gruff and ominous voice he could muster, delivered a line from Kung Fu Panda himself:
"What are you going to do, sit on me?"
... which of course, left Mommy and Daddy in a fit of giggles!
Fast forward to today, when he and Daddy had just gotten up and out of the bedroom. Mommy was still in bed in the living room, albeit awake. I asked Todd to do something (I forget what) and he slowly walked up to my bed, stared down at me, and, in the most gruff and ominous voice he could muster, delivered a line from Kung Fu Panda himself:
"What are you going to do, sit on me?"
... which of course, left Mommy and Daddy in a fit of giggles!